Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.

Showing 3 responses by sc53

Over the Rhine; first I discovered the Blue Tanyas which led to the Rhine girls. Also, Lea De Laria--a friend sent me two of her CDs recently.
Yeah Marco, I meant the Be Good Tanyas and the Blue Horse album! Their "Chinatown" is also very good. Thanks for the Po Girls tip! I love these kinds of somewhat weird voices. But then, I've been a Dylan fan for 40 years or so.
I also want to mention that the soundtrack to "Master and Commander" is really excellent! I loved the music while the movie was playing and the CD soundtrack does a great job of recapturing it. Eerie drums, celtic fiddles, baroque waltzes--there's a lot of different sounds on this CD.