Your favorite song from a RECENT cd release?

Mine is ''The painter'' from Neil Young. It is a great song, just about THE perfect song with acoustic guitar. It has nice lyrics, timing, and of course Young's unique voice. It is a joy to listen to. Sound wise, it sounds a bit congested in the low end, but who cares. I'll take a less-than-perfect song gem on a car radio any day over any Diana Krall song ( o.k Krall fans, flame me!) played on my home system. All a matter of taste, of course!
Springsteen's Seeger Sessions: Pay Me My Money Down, then Oh Mary... and Eyes on the Prize
Just got this, Jimmy Thackery with the Cate Brothers, "In The Natural State", Rykodisc. The cut is the "Arky Shuffle", a very cool instrumental, kinda like Freddie King meets Stevie Ray Vaughn. Check him out!!
Solveig Slettahjell & Slow Motion Quintet - Faith, Trust and Pixiedust

Look at
for more information.

I have 2 of her earlier CDs too. Not for everyone but twisted enough to keep me interested.
Dance Me To the End of Love from Careless Love cd by Madeleine Peyroux. The song was written by Leonard Cohen and speaks of love and trust through a lifelime. Killer lyrics, well sung and recorded.
John Dean
"The Painter" from Neil Young Prairie Wind. Most of the songs from that cd that deserve mention though too.
System of a Down is heavy? probably not for some of us, to most of us yes. I am using prior experience with other memebrs, who thought Pink Floyd was too heavy !
"Sunset" and "Nocturn" from Aerial by Kate Bush
I try to play other stuff by right now this disc just keeps calling easy to listen to, just seduces you.
"Stitched up" Herbie Hancock and John Mayer from Herbie's "Possibilities" duet album. A little bass heavy, but really nice keys.
I would vote for "Attack" by, on vinyl for me. Probably too heavy for the lot here, but there is my vote.
Any of the songs on "Other People's Lives" by Ray Davies. "After The Fall", "All She Wrote", and "Over My Head" are particularly good.

Band Of Horses-Wicked Gil(this whole album is great...My Morning Jacket meets Built To Spill).
"Red,Red,Red" from Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine".
In fact, every song is a winner!
Diana Krall's Christmas album has a beautiful Irving Berlin song on it. No not White Christmas but Count Your Blessings. Especially in our selfish Me Me Me times it's nice to be reminded that there are other things more important than money and power. It's the last song on the album.
It's hard to argue with Maybe Sparrow by Neko Case. I have to second that.

I'll get back to you again after Jewel's new CD is released, and also Personal File by Johnny Cash in a few weeks, and then in July, the posthumous release of American V.
"I enjoy Mercy Now too but it takes 4 hours to get that song out of my head after I hear it."

The lyrics really stay with you. One of the most powerful songs I've heard in a long, long time.
Long Gone Lonesome Blues by Gringo. 1997 but recent to me on Pravda Records. Good studio recording too, but thats my opinion I guess. I knew the label but not the artist. The New Duncan Imperials record on pravda. Hankey Panky Parley Voo from NDI is a pretty good cd also.
Hi Narrod, I enjoy Mercy Now too but it takes 4 hours to get that song out of my head after I hear it.
"Til I gain control again" penned by Rodney Crowell, from Van Morrison, Pay the Devil
Mercy Now by Mary Gauthier. One of the best albums I've heard in a long time.