Your feelings on vintage audio.

Harkening back to the days of my neighbor owned a console with a Scott fm tuner, Fisher amp and a TT. I loved playing with and listening to music through it.

And with the resurgence of interest in older equipment in the market, its' impression of quality sound reproduction and build, perhaps nostalgic feelings and wanting to dabble in tubes on my part, I've gone ahead and purchased a Scott 350B tuner.

I'm also looking at another 350 and Scott intergrated.
I know they'll need some work. But for the price it seems like a fun way to step into tubes, satisfy this urge and you gotta admit some of that gear is absolutely stunning looking!

So...What do you guys and gals think? Worth the admission price plus repairs? Waste of time and cash? Could do better DIY or newer used equipment?

Sound Quality? From reading sounds like I might be getting mids but poor highs and poor bass!
Build Quality?

How does CD sound through the gear? Are there difficulties using CD with this older gear?

Maybe some speaker recommendations. Sat/Sub (problems with subs?), monitor, full range or single driver? The integrateds I'm looking at run anywhere from 15 to 30 watts RMS.

Thought this might be a fun pastime; I look forward to your input.


Showing 20 responses by corazon

Tuner arrived yesterday. Dusty, a few nicks and scratches but face very presentable. Much loss of screening on chassis.

Cleaned it today and brought it to a shop for the once over. Guy I bought it from says he powered it up and after wiggling a tube or two unit had great reception and sounded good.

Still thought it prudent to have it gone through.

Am now looking for a legend to identify missing printing for my records.

Will keep you advised.

" Beware of "vintage" bpc. Onemalt "

BPC? Enlighten me please.

6550c - Agreed pre 1980. Definitely understand your misgivings about much of the old gear. I hope being selective, informed and heeding much of the good advice gleaned from you all I will avoid 8 track, barrier strips (few on the Scott integrateds) and crappy speakers. Speaking of which...

Stick to a pair that's easy to drive? 8 ohms? High sensitivity? Speakers don't necessarily have to be vintage.

I want to thank all of you for your responses so far...please keep them coming.

Almarg- not going for another 350B. Will keep your idea in mind. Just picked up a good condition original metal case with leatherette look for tuner. Logo in good condition. Now in search of a 222c, 299b or 299c.

All items will be brought to a reputable shop for the once over and repairs. Any recommendations for such in Central Texas? I asked in another post buy thought I'd ask again.

The "leatherette" case arrived today. In very good shape for something approx. 50 years old.

Looks like it will fit the chassis; won't know for sure until it is back from being checked out.

Will keep you updated.

By the way, many thanks to all who have responded and those who will.


The 350B has returned with a good bill of health. Hooked it up and I will say I am pleased. I actually find I'm listening longer and not wanting to turn it down alot!

Tuner definitely has an ease to it. It is pleasurable. Only thing I changed in the system was the tuner, swapping out my Parasound tdq 1600, no slouch itself. I have noticed things in songs I never have noticed before

I've also purchased a 350 tuner because its chassis lettering is in much better shape. And it looks great!

Call me crazy but I purchased another 350B! Reason is it looks to be in even better shape than the 350 and it has the indicator light at the 6 o'clock position on the tuning dial like the 350? The other 350B does not have this feature. So it got my curiousity up and I got to see this. It is not a Scottkit either.

And to top it off I purchased a 299 and 299b integrated. Can't wait for these to arrive, both in what appears to be great condition.

As expected they will be sent out for the once over. Can't wait to hear them! Then I'll choose my favorites and say goodbye to the rest.

So far I must say I enjoy what I hear from the tuner. Even with a less than optimal antenna.

Will keep you informed.

Now looking for some speakers for the amps....


Well the amps and tuners have arrived.
The amps are in wonderful shape! Screening is excellent, very little oxidation. Faceplates in very good to excellent condition.

The tuners' screening is very good. Ones' faceplate is a little disappointing. Slightly twisted. Will need some work. All units to be sent out. Considering a local Austin guy and

Once all back will let you know whats up.

I will probably try one of the tuners before sending it out but am hesitant hooking up the amps. Figure the tuners will wreak less havoc than the amps if they are so inclined.


OK. Looking to see if any of you fine folks have any input regarding 2 restoration pros. I have looked into:

1. Absolute Sound Labs-have had some good discussion with him.

2. NOS Valves/Radioxtuners-have also had some brief good discussion with him.

Your input is appreciated.


It appears I may utilize a person I found in Austin. Anyone have any dealings with Austin Stereo Service?

Appreciate any input.



Have been considering a pair of KLH model 6's, 1965 vintage. Perhaps though from your comment and those of another I should reconsider and look for something newer.

However, am interested in your thoughts on some of the speakers in your collection, your favorites and why(other than the Polks).

I have just received a wood and another Scott metal case, both in good condition. Have purchased owners manuals and photofacts for both amps. With the abundance of 350's out there it is amazing there is no literature available for them. I find it hard to believe an owners manual did not exist.


Well, I have just brought my first amp, a 299, to a shop in Austin.

The owner Mike seems quite competent and knowledgable. Even so I left it there with a bit a trepidation, no one here had any input as far as his reputation and after many conversations with him I decided to give him a try. Also he's just dowm the road and I save shipping to someone else 2 times.

Restoration should take about a month. So we'll see how things go. If all goes well I have a 299B I may send him. But I have been thinking of sending it to NOS Valves. I just hate to chance shipping it 2 more times.

I will send Craig my 350/350B to be restored. Mike in Austin doesn't work on tuners much, he's more an amp guy.

Anyway I'm excited about the journey and result! Can't wait to hear it!



Purchased a pair of AR 7 bookshelves. Interested in anyones impressions or information about these.

Haven't found alot about them yet. An assist would be welcome!


AR-7 bookshelves arrived 2 days ago. What fantastic shape they are in. A shout out to the seller Ladiluvsmusiq!

It is stated they are vinyl clad, but when I unpacked them I had to do a double take. I thought surely this is a veneer! Upon further inspection alas no! The vinyl looks that good!

Haven't heard them yet. Will hook 'em up on next day off.

Can't wait to hear them with the 299 which should be back in 2-3 weeks.

Will keep you posted.


Ok, have hooked up the AR's and wow! I am very pleased with the overall sound.

I am currently listening to them as I write, Beethovens 9th, Academy of Ancient music. They have great tone. They just sound good.

I listened to a few tracks of Steely Dan, Two Against Nature, and again I was pleased. Just had a good overall sound. Had impact.

Listened to Shawn Colvin, Four Walls, my current reference. Her voice was great. Instruments sounded right. Again impact, immediacy.

Played a little Moody Blues. Every Good Boy Deserves Favor and as expected sounded like a typically not so good 70's recording. However it was more listenable through the AR's than the Audio Physics.

I usually use the 4 recordings above when wanting to compare. All listening done without the sub. It is great how good instruments sound. I even like how I notice some things, how they sound and the balance of the speaker.

So not quite as extended in the treble as the Audio Physics and maybe not as revealing. They are a little laid back, that New England sound? They have tuneful tight bass and good midrange qualities. They may not image as well as the Audio Physics, but do have depth, width and height. Instruments are a little more tied to the speaker but not at all distractingly so. Soundscape is pretty good. Non fatiguing. Not a better or worse presentation, just different.

Also these guys have, dare I say it, PRAT! Toe tapping, smile on the face non-fatiguing sound! I must say I am really pleased.

10/10ths high end sound? No but 9/10ths and really enjoyable.

I got to say, I'm not in this hobby to get all caught up in all the usual audio jargon, stress over whether or not my gear is doing all the things it is supposed to do according to whomever. Seems like a contradiction given my review but it was to illustrate that these things are really enjoyable regardless of how they measure up to the accepted norms by audio gods. If your favorite music sounds good, puts a smile on your face and you can forget all about what the gear is doing, then viola! You have arrived.

If you are interested in a little more info and review, here is a link provided by our fellow audionut, LoomisJohnson.

Can't wait to get my 299 back and hear that combo.

Thanks for reading my rant, will keep you posted.



Would you care to elaborate? I, for one, am interested in your viewpoint.



If you describe the SS gear as harsh, why no longer owning any tubed components?



OK Boys and Girls....

Got a call today from the shop I took my 299 to for restoration and it is done. Hope to get up to Austin soon to pick it up. Can't wait to hear it!

The gentlemen told me it sounds great and a few of the tubes while still quite viable could be considered as candidates for replacement in the future.

So I have a few questions...

1. ECF80/6BL8: Driver tubes correct? European/American designations correct? Have been to the HH Scott site and verified these tubes are specific to the amp. Are there some other tubes that can be substituted for these that run as the originals would in the unit, voltages, temperatures, biasing etc?

2. 6BQ5/7189: Output tubes? European/American designations? Are there some other tubes that can be substituted for these? Have been to the HH Scott site and verified these tubes. I have read at Franks Electron site that the EL84 many claim to be a substitue for these is not correct and in fact could cause problems. It is the EL84M that would be the correct substitution. Apparently the 6BQ5/7189 runs at higher voltages than the EL84 does preventing it from being compatible.

I have been to Tubes and More and Upscale Audio looking around tonight. They seem to list the EL84 as a compatible substitute. What do you all know/think about this?

So.. substitute recommendations, sites/sources to find these tubes, the 7189 and 6BL8 seem to be a little scarce.
NOS vs. new? Brand recommendations and why. European vs. American.

I realize I am asking a lot but after perusing the forums here and with all the wealth of information posted and knowledge many of you have, I thought it prudent to post and ask.

Thanks in advance, I'll continue to update as my journey in vintage progresses!


Hi Al,

Thanks for your response. I appreciate your time and help.

Researching I am discovering just how scare some of the NOS tubes are! They aren't inexpensive either! I've seen some going for the same amount as I spent on the restoration! Wow!

While there are new tubes available most reading I've done seems to suggest the older tubes really sound the best on these older amps.

Thanks to all for the great participation in this thread, I look forward to a lot more.

Will keep you up-to-date


Hi all,

Been a while! Crazy at work; you all know.

Got my 299 back recently! Hadn't been able to hook it up so it was sitting atop a file cabinet in my office. I was on the computer and my daughter was there talking to me when I noticed she had her hand in the amp. She was curiously touching things.

About a week later I was thinking I have the time so lets hook it up. I remembered my daughter and thought "I hope she didn't mess with the bias". When I saw her and asked she said yeah she had played with it.

Well I thought I will take it back to the tech when my 299b is ready and have it re-biased. Gotta learn how to do it anyway. It was then I noticed one of the weaker tubes was white on top. I remembered reading that indicated the vacuum was compromised. I went to remove the tube and as it came out it was cracked at the base! DOH!

Can't get mad at my girl, I love her curiosity. Part of the reason I began this trek is to introduce her to good sounding music, good looking gear. Other than her iPod and portable CD player.(Not bashing iPods!)(or portable CD players!)

She has already developed a preference for the higher fidelity offered by our modest stereo. Insists on using it during good movies, watched Cars with her this afternoon! What great fun! She loves to listen to her favorite FM and CDs on the stereo.

I love she is discovering this! I suppose a little delay in set-up is acceptable.

So I now have 3 original H.H.Scott Amperex 7189s. One weak and 2 strong. The 2 weaker ones were on one channel and I was told they would need replacing soon. But as the tech said to me "I like to let fine horses like that run 'til they die". Thought that was kind of colorful!

Currently looking for replacements and will return when it is up and running!


Hi Viridian,

Appreciate your and everyones responses.

I had done as you suggested, bought a set of tubes from Jim.

Have yet to install them. And when done I'm sure biasing will need to be done. I've never done that, need to learn. Figure when I pick up my 299B from Mike in Austin I'll have him teach me.

When this is accomplished I'll retrun with impressions.

Wish I was able to hear it with the Amperex since I've read so much good stuff about their sound.

Oh well.


Hi folks,

Just got my 299B back, need to replace some tubes so I've ordered a set.

In the meantime, while waiting for them to arrive, looking for bulk speaker wire.

Any suggestions? I am not asking about sound, but purveyors of decent wire.

Will research on my own, but thought I'd ask you fine folks.

Going to terminate amp end with spades (any suggestions welcome) for safety sake, bare wire on speaker end.

16ga. seems the max that will comfortably fit.

Thanks everyone.


Something else I wanted to ask about.

A gentle cleaning solution for the faceplate, It has some gum residue and what appears to be a cloudiness or haze, perhaps film better describes it,

I would like to remove it without any harm to the lettering.

Have some rust on the plates of the transformer. Want to clean it up and repaint.

Any ideas on rust removal without damaging the plates?

I was told naval jelly might do the trick.


Appreciate it.

