Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.

I've stuck my toe into the world of Monoblocks, and because my current shelving dictates the amps will "live" on the floor I need to buy a pair of amp stands.

Can the forum please share it's knowledge re what to look for in a pair of quality stands. Brand recommendations welcome, too. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdante7
I have a tube amp that sits on an SRA stand specifically designed for the amp, and it makes a big difference. (My wife immediately concurred, upon hearing it.) I was lucky enough to find it here -- the SRA stands can be a little pricey. I am a satisfied owner.

Good luck.
I personally use HRS stands:

Others have reported good results with Sistrum stands:
And others have reported good results with Critical Mass stands, though pricey.
I know they are overpriced, but I am extremely happy with my purchase of a Mapleshade 4 inch amp block. They provide feet for it, which really do wonders.
I have had great success with Sound Anchors amp stands on my VTL tube monoblocks, as well as a Levinson 333 solid state stereo amp.
The improvement in sonics was nothing short of astonishing with the tube amps. I just received the stands about a month ago and I am still amazed -- greater clarity overall; smoother highs, tighter stronger bass. I can't say enough about the improvements.
When I had the Levinson, there was a substantial improvement in those areas as well, not as dramatic as the tube amps, but still significant. I felt that I would not want to listen to my system with the Levinson without the Sound Anchors stand after hearing it with the stand.
Bob, the Sound Anchors owner, is a true audiophile and manufactures a high quality product. They are not cheap, but the investment is well worth it.