wire transfers safe?

I just got an offer from a new (zero feedback) Audiogoner from Brazil, who wants to pay by wire transfer from a US bank account, and wants me to ship to a friend in Texas. I'm inclined to trust him, but all this gives me pause.

Anyone know whether wire transfers can be "recalled" after deposit? I wouldn't want to ship only to have the payment recalled afterwards and no recourse other than in Brazil!
Once money is transferred to your account..it becomes official..The sender has no recourse..I would verify with bank first before sending the unit..
good luck..
its not good to give a stranger a routing number. tell your bank, just in case.
"I'm inclined to trust him, but all this gives me pause." My advice, if you have any, any, question about a transaction, don't agree to it. We are mostly hobbyists here, not merchants, another buyer always comes along. It's not worth the grief. Your transaction seems particularly entangled. You don't have a whole lot of feedback yourself, go with your gut; you wouldn't even be posting here if you did not already know the answer.