inserting new component--predictable results?

Here's the scenario. You're done your reading, done your research, listened to different makes and models in the stores, hauled two or three of the finalists home for the weekend, and finally bought the one that you liked the best. (For the purposes of this post, it doesn't matter if it's TT, cdp, pre-amp, speaker, etc.) In the course of this quest, you've listened to the new component with perhaps 1%, 2%, 5% of the discs in your collection that you know really or reasonably well, or with that clutch of discs that you tend habitually to use when you try out new components.

So here's my question. When the new component is inserted in the system, and based on your experiences up to the moment of purchase, now when you come to play other discs, are the sonics of these now also entirely "predictable"?

To put my question more clearly, let's imagine a hypothetical concrete example. You're looking, let's say, to warm up the system a bit and flesh out the bass (or gain transparency or greater presence--the specifics don't matter). You find a component that, based on your trials with your trusty discs, does just that, so you buy it and insert it. But then does it sound that same way, to a greater or lesser extent, as you work your way through other discs in your collection, discs that you hadn't heard with that particular combination of components before? Or are there surprises? With certain discs, do you actually get other effects, or even opposite effects, from what you might have expected based on the trial process?

I'd be curious to hear of people's experiences--either confirming a certain reliable predictability or recounting their particular surprises.
Clarification. This was more of a "experiential" question, really. The question was essentially this: if one listens to new component X and with one's set of test dics consistently hears improvements in areas A, B and C, once that component is inserted in the system and one listens to a whole range of other discs in the newly configured system, has it been your experience that the same improvements (A, B, C) consistently appear? Or do you sometimes hear not the expected improvements but other ones (D, E), or sometimes no the improvements at all, or--worst case scenario--some negative effects?

In other words, in your experience has the use of a set of test discs with a new component been reliably predictive of how it sounds with all the other discs in your collection?
If you add a new component to the system , it either passes one's listening test or it doesn't.

Think you are over analyzing all of this.....
A component that, when added to your system, makes some of your recordings sound better will surely make some others sound worse. Twas ever thus!
Funny thing Drubin, and perhaps I'm just lucky, I've never had any recording sound worse when I have made a long term addition to my system, BUT I have not had a uniform improvement accross the board. A lot of dross remained just that, but a quite a few border line cases certainly improved, especially with the selection of CDP's and phono stages/cartridges. Especially CDP's. :-)
08-31-08: Drubin
A component that, when added to your system, makes some of your recordings sound better will surely make some others sound worse.
A truer statement was never typed.