Almost there but not quite....

I'm really enjoying my system at the moment however i'm hoping to introduce a tad bit of warmth and air to the music. At times i'm hearing a bit too much netrality this again could be due to the recordings i'm listening to

I'm asking for people's comments how to acheive this with my current electronics and room

I have pictures of my system posted in the virtual systems pages
At first glance my first suggestion would be to lose the Television from the sweet spot..That has to have a big negative impact...........
Thorman would love to lose the televison however the other half would kick my behind. My kid also loves where the television resides and it wouldn't be fair to remove it.

For critical listening I place a Gik 242 panel in front which does a great job at killing any reflections
Well, you might scoot the speakers a little bit farther apart so that you're not quite so nearfield, and just for kicks try toeing them in severely so that they criss-cross in front of the listening position. If you want a warmer tonal balance, you might use even more toe-in or move the speakers closer to the wall behind them or move your listening position closer to the wall behind you (maybe shift everything to the right six inches if that big slanty edge intrudes). You might try removing the absorptive panels that are fairly far away from either the speakers or your listening position, like those ones to the far left; late arriving lateral reflections are often psychoacoustically pleasing.

These are little more than guesses, and even if they help in one area there may be undesirable trade-offs in another. But... they don't cost anything to try!

You have a problematic room. You certainly are sitting in a near field listening position. I would expect you are losing a lot of air and spaciousness due to that listening position. Is a short wall configuration possible? Try to get further away from the speakers, they need some room to breath.