Please recommend hearing protection

My father is a professional musician. He plays sax.
He has been complaining to me that when he is working, he is frequently seated in close proximity to the drum kit and is beginning to notice some hearing lose on one ear.

He is asking me for an advise on hearing protection.

He has tried ear plugs, muffs and even Bose noise reducing headphones, but nothing really works the way he wants.

What he needs the hearing protection to achieve is the reduction of surrounding noise to an acceptable low level, without distorting/altering the sound of his sax. He still needs to hear himself and his concern with all the hearing protection he tried before is that instruments sound artificial and he can't really judge the sound he himself produces. He's a perfectionist when it comes to the sound of his saxaphones, so he's pretty frustrated at this point.

I suggested some sort of electronic hearing protection.

Would anyone know what is a good brand and model of an electronic(or regular) hearing protection device('phones, plugs) that can drop DBs and allow for accurate timbre of surrounding instruments?

Would an electronic hearing protection used for shooting work?

I would appreciate recommendations.
Thanks in advance!
Hello Audphile1,

Mead Killion at Eytomic Research has various solutions that are a possible good fit for your fathers situation. He has several noise attenuating devices that will most likely address the problem that your father is asking you to research. The Eytomic devices that would appropriately address his problem will be passive solutions not electronic. Mead is a great guy and also a musician, feel free to call his company (888-389-6684) to find the appropriate referral in your area for his products. I am a fan and a user of his solutions. Good luck.
In some orchestras, glass panels are placed between musicians for this problem.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I will give Etymotic a call today. I was thinking may be a shooting earphones will do, but they will most likely alter the sound a lot.
We'll see what Etymotic Research says.