Jackets for Japanese mini lps

Does anyone know where one can purchase the outer transparent protective jackets for Japanese mini lp cds? I have searched Music Direct, Sleeve City, Obiland, etc. to no avail. The jackets in question are smaller in width than the jackets available for standard cds with slip cases.
I like mylar sleeves outside with the CD in a tyvek sleeve.
Try the following suppliers:
1. Elusive Disc
2. Bags Unlimited
3. Soundsourcecds on ebay
Prices vary dramatically. Good luck!
Another potential source:

Vintage Distributing, LLC

www. vintagedist.com

I've recently ordered some rice paper inner sleeves as I had run out of my stash of VRPs. I contacted several of the vendors listed in the posts above, including Vintage Distribution and requested for samples of the rice paper inner sleeves, outer sleeves and Japanese reseable outer sleeves. The samples supplied all varied slightly from one vednor to another. So don't think you are getting the same thing from all the vendors. I ended up purchasing my inner sleeves from Bags Unlimited, but will be ordering the outer sleeves from Far West Record Supply.
