Any audiophile who is on blood pressure medication

I was put on HBP medication couple weeks ago due to slight blood pressure elevated from 135/85 in am to 145/92 in early pm time and my life has been turning up side down. As much as I love to listen to the music and mess around with my equipments on my day-off, now I see myself tired all days coping with the side effects of different type of HBP meds. I have not be able to turn on my gear for weeks due to the lacking of energy and I wonder how do other audiophiles who has the same medical issue can overcome the tiresome to enjpy the music. Please share some thoughts .
Hi David12..I am a US pharmacist and I agree with your treatment protocol completely. It is very perplexing to me the pervasive use of ARB's. It seems like we love to make things more complex and expensive than we have to. With the graying population we see over here, I see a lot of overly complex treatment regimens in this group. These people are so over medicated, it is really pathetic. We really do need to get back to basics and practice evidence base medicine as you have suggested. Sometimes less is more. We in this country think medication is the answer to all of our ills.
And who's to say the so called "side-effects" aren't the primary effect while the advertised "primary effect" isn't just a side effect?
Because no one would buy a pill whose main effect is stomach lining destruction with a side effect of reduced inflammation. It's all in the marketing.
David 12 has the idea. SODIUM!!!! We Americans have way too much sodium in our diets. A general rule of thumb shopping is stay on the outside of the store, and stay away from the center aisle. Fresh fruit, produce, meats in moderation, dairy in moderation, frozen (not processed) are all on the outside of the store.

Highly processed foods, soups, canned (and preserved) foods, instant dinners (highly preserved) chips and snack food... all reside in the inner aisle.

Of course this is over simplified, and healthy food takes longer to make than pour, heat and eat, but sodium has the largest influence on blood pressure. Sodium is also very high in fast food and restaurant food. If you have a restaurant you frequent, ask the chef to hold the sodium and sodium intense additives. Do not eat fast food!

BTW, I am or have been on virtually all the meds discussed above. I am awaiting a heart transplant and my blood pressure is 68-72/42-45. Believe me I understand the feeling.
Only about half of us are sodium sensitive to the point it has much bearing on blood pressure from what I've read. If you're among that half, it's a total pain to try and keep your sodium intake as low as it should be if you eat anything out of a package or from a restaurant. I know it does influence my bp to a degree, as does too much meat and alcohol. Modern western lifestyles are a huge contributor to the epidemic of high blood pressure.
Hi Jadem,
Hope your feeling a little better and our family wish you the best!

Kind Regards,