A good power conditionner with tube amps ?

I'm on the way for a good conditionner or regenerator for my system. At that time I tried 2 : Isotek (but not the Titan witch is said dedicated for amps) and PS audio PPP.
Both of them work fine for front gear but they erased dynamics of my ATM 3 tube mono amps (115 watt).

Do you think equi=tech can do a better job and maybe can eradicate ou minus my hum trouble on analog ?

Tahnk you

tubes really respond to steady power and that's why I use an Exact Power 15A...they don't drift and this will extend my tube and equipment life
I sent 2 messages to BPT. No response yet. Do you think they don't sell to Europe ?
BPT not always good on emails. Contact Wally at Underwood hifi, will give you all the info you need on BPT.
Thanks everybody for your help. I read great comments on Audio Magic, Acoustic Revive and CSE too (has anyone experienced with CSE ?)
At that time no one of these 3 is imported in Europe (I live in France).
Acoustic Revive is present here but has not the Shuko version of the RTP disponible yet.