
I'm curious to know how many of the audiophiles out there are actual musicians, or have formally studied music?

If so, what is your primary instrument or vocation?

What equipment do you use and, in an audiophile sense, what do you look for in the sound of your components?

I have studied classical guitar for about 8 years, with about 5 years of informal guitar prior to that. I find myself trying to get the most "realistic" and detailed sound from my components, more similar to a studio sound than to a colored presentation. My setup consists of martin logans, monitor audios, mccormack amp and passive preamp, meridian front end, msb dac.
I am rather embarrassed to say that our piano just got tuned after roughly 8
years. The good news is we have a gem. The guy who came collects pianos and
owns a piano museum and was simply floored - he said our upright sounds like
no other upright he has ever heard or played. He compared it to a Steinway for
goodness sakes. We knew it was good sounding but had no idea. The guy was
so puzzled he took down all the details and is checking it out. It is German, of
course, built around 1910. We got it in Scotland, second hand of course from an
old concert pianist who was too old to play but apparently loved it! (The wife and
daughter play)
I am rather embarrassed to say that our piano just got tuned after roughly 8 years.

A piano tuner once said that some people only call for tuners when the piano key fails to come up by itself when pressed. Gosh! The piano must have not been tuned for more than 20 years to exhibit that sort of problem I guess. Anyway if a person has a good set of ears, he would know when to call for the piano tuner.
Unless you've got financial issues or a tin ear, I can't imagine not getting the piano tuned every 6 months. IME, nearly all pianos slip out of tune with regular playing.
Unless you've got financial issues or a tin ear, I can't imagine not getting the piano tuned every 6 months.

Perhaps you play regularly. None of my family does - although the wife and daughter did for a while about 8 years ago. The wife has decided to start back at it with lessons, which is why we got it tuned. Embarrassing to have a piano that a piano collector thinks is amazing in a house of full of philistines...well not completely, as myself and the daughter play drums...
I am a musician as well. I have been playing trombone for
almost 40 years with the last 20 of those years bass trombone in The Skagit Symphony. The symphony has grown over the years and have become a semi professional group
with many of the sectional leaders pro players and independent composers and or music teachers as well.
I just love my Double Bass King Duo Gravis Bb,F,D, made in 1972.One time I meant the band leader of Count Basie back stage and we were talking about tbones and I told him what I played on and he right away gave a big smile and said how he liked that horn alot and then showed me his Holton. It was a real treat indeed and an experience I shall never forget in our small town.
Onto another matter. I need to update my system pofile.
I am putting together a new system Tube SET Integrated that I put together from scratch with parts supplied from Decware. I spent 100 hours on it soldering point to point.
I will be driving this with a high effeciency 2 way speaker with ribbon tweeters.The amp puts out 1.8 watts class A Triode and 5 watts in Pentode Mode.I will be ggetting a moded Tascam with tube output and tube power supply in the near future for my source playback.
While I'm thinking about the other threads above I can understand us musicians being fond of Horn speakers and tubes.You see every Monday when I go the orchestra practice I am so exposed to live very dynamic music.NO Compression, this huge sound even when I'm in the back row near the tuba I can still hear it. The poor Oboe player who is a Doctor by profession always needs to wear ear plugs for protection from high SLP Levels.I know I use to play in a pro Big Band Jazz Band many years ago and my ears would ring for 3 or 4 days after a gig or practice with these screaming trumpets right behind my head. WHAT was that note u played? And U really want me to play louder? I can't even hear myself at times during some of the gigs. Some of the trumpets use to play backup for Simon and Garfunkel and Stan Getz.The arranger use to play behind Frank Sinatra.
Well I had stated to our lead tbone player at practice last week listen how intense loud this symphony of only about 65 musicians is playing.It plays so much louder then any stereo u can even imagine.Not even the Wilson Maxx Series 3's come anywhere close to this. So yes we are so use to this sound and its so transparent live and so easy to play out of tune just ever so slightly on the slide tbone. You pick up on so many musical ques as a musician and hear so much all around you.I suppose thats why we may like ELS Speakers as well. I myself would need a nice SUB.
eventually in my system that would play deep and loud. So a Sunfire SIgnature sub may take care of my bass trombone needs and then some.
Well I ope some of my insights may be helpful to you all.
Don C.