Fellow McIntosh users - New table top radio

Have you seen the table top radio Mac is coming out with?

Robert Harley reported on it, it is called the MXA-60.
Saw it at CES, kind of ugly to me, but I never went for the Mac look, I also don't see why they tried to make it look like two pieces when it is one....
Funny how that is, because I think it looks great, then again I own Mac gear and really like their look.

I read this on another site, "The MXA-60 ($6000-$8000 when available) is the office system for McIntosh fanatics."

That is ugly. But very retro/vintage looking. So if you like retro then I guess you'll love it. It's way more retro looking than their audio line. I used to have the 6900 but I liked its look.