Need basic iPod help...

I am looking for advice (or a good link) on how to get the best performance from my iPod (both iTunes downloads and my own burned CD's) when connected to my AV receiver. I'm assuming this gets discussed to-death, but I have not found the good info I am looking for.

Thank in advance!
Ag insider logo xs@2xheadshrinker2

Please don't take offence, but you are using an incorrect term - that port is not a USB socket. It's the proprietary "Apple dock". Otherwise, you are correct about the mini-plug being after the headphone op amp and volume control. There are only three pins in the Apple dock that are required for audio - Left, Right and Ground. You can rip the rest out - it makes it easier to solder inside.

no offense - thnx - I went through my ultimate iPod phase awhile ago with Vinnie...
Thanks for the replies. What about downloading from iTunes? Is this basically a bad idea (i.e. vs ripping from a CD in a lossless format)?
Headshrinker2, I'm on my second iPod and have never used iTunes store.

Ckorody, do you have one of Vinnies iMods?

To your question about downloading from iTunes, if your interest is in getting the best possible sound quality and you have the option of ripping the same music from a CD, yes, it's a bad idea to download from iTunes. All iTunes music is in lossy, compressed format and won't sound as good in a high-resolution system.

On the other hand, the selection in iTunes is huge and for lots of uses the quality is just fine.