Listening chair suck-out

Oh brother. I've been placing acoustic panels here and there in my room in order to deal with various reflection-based frequency anomolies, with remarkable success for the most pary. I use an SPL propped up with a tripod to the listening position, which happens to be in a comfy stuffed leather chair The chair eats 165Hz! About 25dB of it, to boot (from about 75dB down to 50dB). If I put the mic at the listening position sans chair, there is no suck-out at all. It is definitely the chair. Anyone have tips for building a marble throne?
Forgot to mention get a good comfy seat and seal it shut so no one mistakes it for something else.
Definitely look for a chair that does not extend higher than your shoulders. Your head should not have anything immediately behind it, otherwise you will hear that suckout.

Porcelain! That's it! It would go well with the magazine rack, and the back doesn't extend above my shoulders. Most significantly, we all know from experience that those things don't absorb low frequencies! Yeah!
Hello, My chair goes about half way up my back and is yet still comfortable enough to sit in for any amount of time I listen. Would be best to keep it below your shoulders and the lower the better.

Tell your spouse that your chair sucks and go buy something that you like.

Before you go must have some other chair in the house that you could swap out, just for a day or two to see if there really is an audible difference.