What have you discovered while downsizing?

I am downsizing my rig to recoup some money. Although some of the downsizing hurts, I am also trying to still do the tweaking and listening and enjoying that I love, while I'm having to retreat a bit due to the economy. In the process of selling some of my gear, I have found that I am also discovering, by necessity, new combinations of gear and new synergies. I would love to hear how others are coping and keeping it fun at the same time.
I found a pair of Amber series 70amps running in mono for a price of less then 300.00 bucks is a killer.
I discovered the Onkyo A-9555 integated amp and DX-7555 CD player; love both of them.
Since overall system synergy is more of a determining factor for good sound than is just $$$$s alone, I believe it is always possible to downsize and end up with a very fine and highly competitive yet totally different system.
Mapman- that was one of the most intelligent- and true- statements I've read in these posts in many years.