Why are "low hours" a consideration?

I've noticed a lot of people selling items here that have "low hours", for both speakers and amplifiers. Does the sound gradually get worse over time? I haven't noticed with mine, but if it's gradual I guess I wouldn't. If I am going to spend a lot of money on a system, I would expect that if I take good care of it it should sound just as excellent years from now, and I certainly hope I shouldn't need to keep track of how many "hours" I've played it. Am I wrong in thinking this?
'One careful owner', shouldn't all owners be careful?

My dogs likes music, but do not know how to change a cd (shame), they also do not smoke, well not that I have ever noticed.
Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw in organic, Eugene, Oygun.
Old, rusty, smoking, noisy, beat up Datsun stopped for me as I crossed the street. It was so dirty and smokey, I had to take a second look as it went down the street. Underneath the dirt, on what must have been a bumper, I could barely make out a bumper sticker: "My other car is a piece of shit, too!"

"Low hours"
"Barely used"

It's all good...
I saw this bumper sticker on the back of a pickup when I was driving thru Montana: "Don't like my driving? Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT". It passed me and I was doing 80 and the driver was an old lady.

Low hours: Puffery
Pet free: Some people have severe allergies.
Near mint: Beside a piece of candy?
Barely used: Listened to in the nude.
Divorce forces sale: Spent more on my cables than my wifes
Advertising 'jingoism': Low hours, Like new, just bought and changed my mind.. Or, the truth: Just found at a rummage for $20, yours for $1,400. I think it was in a flood, but I hosed off the mud and it looks pretty good for $20. and.. I bought it used two years ago, I been using the cart since then about five hours a day.. but it still sounds good, and I think you could get a few hours out of it with only some LP damage.. at 1/2 list it is a steal.
When the truth can be altered with a simple keyboard, it pays to be wary.
I do not buy enough stuff to worry about all the hype. When I find what I was looking for, Usually I just buy it because the last time one was for sale was two years ago. I do not worry about the marketing stuff.
If you feel the need to get only the perfect deal.. (brand new, at 75% off retail, with free hand delivery.) well.. you have my sympathies!