Auditioning gear for purchase.. not in town

Especially after hanging out in these forums, one develops some nice "short lists" of good stuff when choosing equipment. Here is my question....

Many of the companies/items that are well regarding/reviewed are not available for audition in my city. My local dealer always lets me take pieces home to demo, but what to do when the piece is not in town? What do you folks do?
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Mr. Tennis

In a perfect world you would love to have about 3 or 4 of the speakers that you think you might like to hear. Then about 3 or 4 amp/preamp combos, plus a good number of CD players. Then try the different combos until you are happy ( at least for a while ) .

In my shop if someone is serious about a product and they are local I will let try it at home. Out of state buyers are difficult however. You can see the dilemma about long term listening. If I have three sets of speakers out on demo for a couple of weeks. Then I have to open up new boxes for my demo room and break them in for walk in customers. Ouch! Then some speakers come back. Now I have 6 pairs of demo's or used speakers. Then some of those returns are damaged in shipping, and FedEx takes about six months to pay a claim. Ouch!

This is why I suggest that people come to a show or go to a town where there are plenty of dealers and really listen before they even consider what to buy. It has been my experience that you may not be able to choose a speaker to live with for 10 years but you can sure eliminate a lot of speakers that you could not live with for 10 minutes.
i rarely visit dealers, as i realize that a demo at a dealer does not eliminate any risk that i won't like a component in my own system.

thus, it pays either not to buy that component or buy it used, with the hope of reslling it if i don't like it. in either case, a dealer does not get a sale.

there are some exceptions, when a dealer's ears are trusted and there is an attractive discount.

Getting something used is good.

It is also a good way to find a wife. If you don't like her you can put her back on the used market and not take to big a "hit".