
So I was down at the local hifi dealer, its been a while, and I decided to listen to a LP in the store that I heard many many times on my own system and you know what my modest system relatively speaking, sounded similar if not better then the mega show room system with the 10k arm and the 30k preamp and 50k speakers. I was in disbelif. In my opinion there is not need to spend buckets of money to achieve the last 5 or 10%. Of this this is bad news for hifi dealers but I suspect they realize this too.
Human nature Tvad,making the most of what you have and trying to turn envy into something positive perhaps.Definately agree the mega-systems are my first choice also.I didnt come here not to reach the top if money is available.That being said the last 10% is almost ridiculously priced.

Has anyone else noticed the increasing number of recent threads/posts espousing value, and the advantage of lower cost systems versus higher cost systems? Very interesting how this correlates with the present economy.

That is so absurd its doesnt even dignify a response.
That is so absurd its doesnt even dignify a response.
Autodexr (System | Threads | Answers)
Absurd? How so? I have read at least a dozen responses over the past several days espousing value (lower cost components) over higher priced components.

Here's an example of what I'm describing. There are more examples if you look deeper in the threads.

It's just an observation. Don't read anything more into it than that.

Now, as far as addressing this specific point:
In my opinion there is not need to spend buckets of money to achieve the last 5 or 10%.
Autodexr (System | Threads | Answers)
There are many audiophiles who believe as you do, and there as just as many, if not more, who believe the extra 5%-10% is worth the extra expense. This is a frequent debate that inevitably goes in a circle.
That is so absurd its doesnt even dignify a response.

I don't see anything absurd about it at all. Strikes me as a perceptive and arguably correct observation, nothing more and nothing less. Frankly, I think that your response to Tvad's comment does a disservice to your intriguing initial post.

-- Al
If you have been conditioned to how your modest system sounds on a particular track/LP then you may indeed be disappointed by a meagbuck system that does it correctly. Many people have excessive muddy but impressive bass and pleasant but recessed midrange -over time and continued exposure this becomes "normal" and "correct" to their ears/brain. PLay a track correctly and they have been so conditioned as to feel that it is wrong or inferior.