Mono VS Stereo


For the last few years I stopped listening to my system in stereo mode and now only listen in mono. As soon as I started listening in mono my listening enjoyment went up about 300%. No longer did I become fatigued by the (Man made) stereo (Effects) created by the engineers in the studio. I grew to hate following these effects from the left speaker to the right speaker and back again with some recordings. When you attend a live performance be it Rock, Jazz, synphony or whatever, the sound comes at you in mono not stereo (Unless of course the sound man has other ideas. But as far as the band and the actual instruments are concerned there is no such thing as "Playing" in stereo. Give it a try, listen to your records or CD's in mono ( I hope you all have a mono selector on your preamps) it will be hard going back to stereo listening plus the soundstage and the way the "Band" comes across will be really cool.
I know I know......I have been off the beaten path for much of my life when it comes to the "Norm". Stones over the Beatles, big money on small speakers (Guarneri), really old motorcycles, film vs digital, First off I really appreciate all you guys being "Gentle" in your observations about my mono comments. I know some you are probably thinking I should order one of those jackets with the really lond wrap around sleeves and allow six to eight weeks for delivery. I figure I'm in good company, they thought Columbus was crazy too!! But I honestly do prefer listening in mono, even if technically incorrect it's more enjoyable to me at this point. As I say I will play around with my system in terms of speaker positioning etc..later this week and see what shakes. I was just thinking what a blast it would be to have all you guys at my place having copious amounts of espresso etc...having this same conversation and listening to music. Ahh the spice of life. Cheers.
I still think there is a (superbly enjoyable) artefact involved -- so mark your speakers' original positions before repositioning. Just to be on the safe side...
OTOH, if you'll allow me the comment "big money on small speakers (Guarneri)" is hardly "off the beaten track"; those are easily among the best spkrs that manufacturer has offered!
(I would love some of that espresso...)
Don't you just love it when you make a perfect espresso! You put the sugar on top and it takes almost 30 seconds before it gets through the creamy top and sinks to the bottom of the cup. That is how the Guarneri make me feel and I agree they are among (For me the best) the best model Sonus Faber has ever made. Now.......Espresso's are something I like in stereo.......Two at a time! All the best.
Yeah I'm with Gregm - the Guarneri is the most neutral and transparent of SF speakers and a real gem.
Hoestly, I have never listened to a speaker that I have liked as much as the Guarneri. I would advise anyone who is seriously considering any of the Sonus Faber speakers to make arrangements more a very lengthy audition of all the speakers your considering. I took a whole day, it came down to the Guarneri vs the Amati for me. In the end throught he same electronics the Guarneri were music to my ears. The Amati were amazing but there was a certain magic that the Guarneri had that the Amati did not. I think you could probably find many of the virtues the Amati have in more than a few quality loudspeakers, but the "Guarneri magic" is alot more elusive to come by in any speaker. After owning my Guarneri for years I have no desire to own any other speaker. The other thing is that when your not listening to them they still look like art, I've had people in my house think they were just that and not a speaker at all.