Do you spend more on audio than your income allows

I make a very modest living especially for living in Southern California where everything is so expensive. I should not be buying or looking at audio components but I do anyways. Luckily my wife works and we don't have any kids. If I had kids I'd probably have a Bose wave radio because that is all I could afford. BTW- I live in a small house and drive a 25 year old Honda.
My wife says it is okay to purchase gear as long as is not from my pay check. Side work only, thanks summertime. She also said when I die she will just sell it all and the house then move to NC. I will turn over in my grave cause it will probably only be pennies on the dollar. I just know it!
I spend as much as my income will allow, but not more. Half of the fun is dreaming about some piece you can't afford.

I'm frugal in other ways, small house, no kids, no fancy vacations, two old BMW's to drive (not expensive when you works on them for a living). The small house also keeps a leash on me since it will only hold so much gear before I need to liquidate items.
Alright, I'll play, yes, I do spend more than my income allows. I always thought that was part of being an audiophile.... :D

I've been in this hobby for about 33 years now, and have downsized a few times for different reasons. In the last 6 months I have downsized again, but I know I should go further.

Of course my life motto is that I'd rather die owning money than die with a sh!tload of money in the bank. I know others feel differently, but persoanally, I'd rather live a life above my means, than live a life below my means.

I've been at this "addiction" since my mid 20's. I'm now in my late 50's! The way I figure it is if you double my age, I'm DEAD!! Most major possession are PD4!! So I'm going for it before my "tubes" burn out!!
I live within my means until I don't. Every so often something comes along and along with it I go. So vacations are rare but listening to music is not. We pays our money and makes our choices. That's all there is.