exactpower ep 15A

I'm looking at the above mentioned unit available used in an audio boutique in my vicinity. I've read a lot of good comments on it here.

I went to look for more info on it directly on Exactpower's site and found out it wasn't in their actual product line anymore. Technical data not beeing my stronghold, I wander if their new units use the same technology as the EP 15A and if not, why ?

Thanks !
Seeing this thread pop up again, I must provide a link to another thread I posted to recently for my latest thoughts on using the EP-15A with high-powered monoblocks.

Upshot: I now plug my Equi=Tech 2Q that feeds my monoblocks directly into the wall instead of into the Exact Power, purely for sonic reasons (as stated above, I never had any problems that went to reliability). It's a tradeoff -- I do miss some of what the EP provided with the amps, but overall I've decided that in my current setup it's better if it doesn't feed the amps, only the sources (still via the PW Ultra with its b.p.t.'s)

I think I would probably love it if there was a way to feed the monoblocks' input/driver circuitry from the EP and their output circuitry from the wall (both via an appropriate b.p.t. for balanced AC), but unfortunately that's just wishing.
I know its a bit off topic with respect to this thread being EP focused however I loved the EP15A when I had it in the system. I've recently been using a PurePower APS 2000 and have not heard the likes of it from any manufacturer of active or passive power conditioners. It is well worth checking out...the results are amazing!