What Printed Magazine do you prefer?

In times where every dollar is being counted, a dilemma is created. When Stereophile, Sound&Vision and Absolute Sound
come up for renewal all at once which one do you keep?
What is your favorite of these mentioned? Who offers the best Audio news and best reviews?
I prefer The Absolute Sound, with Stereophile a close second.

I also like HiFi+ A LOT - great pictures of equipment with thorough reviews. But at $10 a copy in the US i don't get every issue.
With the technology available I wonder why hifi+ doesn't have the magazine printed locally for sale in the US. It should allow them a newstand price that is cheaper than we now have to pay and might increase their circulation.

Stereophile is the one I dropped!
It reads more like they are being paid by the very equipment manufacturers who they are supposed to be reviewing.
(Amazing how most of the equipment that they review is from manufacturers who also advertise in their magazine. Funny how that works, huh?!)
My two least favorite reviewers are Mike Fremer, (a lazy reviewer, IMHO), and Art Dudley, (whose naive political statements are a complete turn-off). I prefer reading reviews from more intelligent reviewers.

My favorite magazine is/was HiFi+, (I have not bought one in a couple of years), but now that Roy Gregory is gone, I am not sure how well that bodes for that magazine either, to be honest.

My two cents worth anyway.