Nordost Quantum Technology Products

Does anyone have any experience with either the QX2 or QX4? Not much in the archives and googling doesn't produce many results regarding if they work or what may be expected in sound quality. My local dealer would like to sell me one or 2 but does not have the units to demo. He has never steered me wrong but if this is such a great product I would expect to get more positive results at least when googling the item.
The new ByBee power conditioner from is one of the best power conditioner that you can buy....period!
I was very pleased with a Qx2 and 3 months later I decided to audition an added Qx4. I bought that as well.

How can I put this? If you have been wondering all you hi-fi listening life what was missing from your music then try the Quantums. Depth, width, perspective, attack, sheer musicality - and yes, PRAT. I love it. At last I'm listening to the music and not the system.

I was sceptical till the moment I switched the Qx2 on. I asked my wife if she could detect any change when I turned it off "Well, all the tone's gone" she said, walking off!

Everyone who has heard the system now has been very, very impressed - family, hi fi friends.

There are dealers who will send you Quantums to audition. They know you probably won't send them back. Almost no one does.

The cost of this upgrade is less than any new major box you might buy and the improvement is much greater.

I know the info. reads like snake oil and I don't know how it works. It sounds like the mains must have been completely cleansed of shash but without any sense of loading that most mains cleaners seem to give. You've got to hear it.

I'll take questions...(ah I've had to register just to say this and I'm not the registering kind of guy)
Yes i'm playing with the QX2 on High End 2 channel and Low End 5.1 theater gear.

My 2 channel components and cables are shielded from RF and wall outlet pollution garbage so only the signal the manufacture designed makes it to the outs or speaker so,as expected, had no effect. Neither does a blender sitting on DAC or transport or--- vacuum cleaner sharing the same outlet. True High End gear, including cables, doesn’t need anything between the wall outlet. That’s the engineering you paid for in Hi End names. "________ amp at 4000 $ for 180 watts need a conditioner to sound better"'ve got to be kidding!!!! _______ amp at 1500 $ for 500 watts is not hi end. Expect noise.

My 2 channel: Interconnect cables Tara labs, speaker cables MIT, Cary (class A)tube power, McIntosh DAC and Transport, Magnapan 1.6 speakers. Sunfire sub. NO CONDITIONERS.

Theater side: Yamaha receiver, sony blueRay, Monster cables, Martin Logan speakers, Sunfire sub. NO CONDITIONERS.

The Norton Quantum QX2----Did nothing on either system while playing on (a short list of) revealing speakers.

Turn ON all your gear. play nothing with volume wide open. Now, Place your cell phone on the amp, component or cable and give it a call. Its a matter of do some of you have a clue what your paying for in High End or do you just like to buy stuff and have pyramids in every room. A $4000 + and some less (like a "LINN GENKI, Arcam) is going to work fine sitting on top a JOHN DEERE tractor. That’s the point of competition with separates’ and the noise isolation we pay for in Hi end. They dont need million doller iso platforms and a 600 $ wall plug, external anything. No price-point marketing strapped to a 8000 $ Krell or Mark Levinson is going to make them sound better...PLEASE. Its like upgraiding the spark plugs on a new ferarri thinking its going to perform better if you dont. "silly why they didnt do that at the factory on a 350,000 $ car".... huummmmm.

Norton QX2 is a gizmo or get better cables identifier. Personally...I think the dog left the room when you turned it on is when the sound stage opened up. If you heard a diff.
by Van1

Im saying this device had no effect on either of my systems as my review.

I didnt spend 6 grand on a cd player and say "this thing sucks it needs 1600 addtional dollers for a qx2".

I tried to create noise sharing the outlets so to me, its a solution to another problem that doesnt exist for everybody and i think some people hear what they feel they need to becouse of marketing mumbo jumbo.
It did nothing for me in my home but maybe on a aircraft carrier it would.