Rogue Cronus Magnum & AKG K702's

Last week I ordered my first headphones since 1980. They haven't arrived yet, but they're AKG K702's which I plan to use with my Rogue Cronus Magnum when the wife is sleeping. I know there's going to be some bleed through to my speakers which I'm ok with. My question is, is my Cronus Magnum going to be sufficient in powering these power hungry headphones?
Did you purchase an original Cronus Magnum or upgrade a standard Cronus? If you upgraded, could you describe the differences? Thanks!
Rja, I purchased the Magnum. I've never heard the regular Cronus. I purchased it used on Agon. I recommended it to a friend who purchased one from a local dealer and got it (Cornus Magnum) for just under 2k. If you search Cronus on Audiogon forum, there is people on here who had the regular and upgraded to the Magnum and if I remember correctly, they noticed quite a big difference, but I can't remember exactly what those differences were.