I need your advice on system for a non-audiophile

While I am sure this type of thread may have been posted before, I'd really like your input on this. At the risk of sounding like an out of touch audiophile, I simply have been away from the lower end market (e.g., the Best Buy scene for audio) for so long that I really don't know if I can be of help to a work colleague who asked for my help in buying a new "stereo."

My colleague told me she has a "crappy Sony system" that really doesn't sound that good and would like my suggestion for buying something new. I suspect its an older cheap rack-type all Sony system. She tells me it has "5 tiny little speakers."

I asked her to tell what three things are most important to her in this new system and here is her reply:

1. Sound quality that is clear

2. Not small system, but not too large. My house is really small so I don't' want a system that takes up all of my free space (she has seen my 300 pound Rockports and triple wide loaded SRA rack so she may be thinking about that when she worries about a system taking up all of her "free space.")

3. Price, between $700 - $1,000 if possible.

Any suggestions? Thanks
Is a turntable in her future? If not a reasonable CD player, integrated and speakers, monitors/bookshelf should be able to be managed within that range. Or maybe an integrated with a CD player, have no idea if such a creature exists but knowing marketing, it probably does.
Also limits the interconnects and space.
Thanks Stanwal and Uru975. I am sure she doesn't want a turntable. I agree that a unit like a used Linn Klassik or Arcam Solo might be nice but it wouldn't leave her any funds to purchase the speakers.

I could possbly try to buy the stuff used for her on A-Gon but I'd worry that if the equipment failed she might not want to fuss with unwarranted repairs (not to mention wanting to shoot me).

If she just wants 2-channel and new equipment(warranty,return,etc.) this is a pretty decent system (see below).Available (authorized online sales) from DMC Electronics.The NAD stuff is free shipping(possibly can get the speakers shipped free also,ask).The PSB's are front ported so placement options are not as critical(shelf,table,stands,etc.).Throw in an extra $50.00 for decent cables and you are done.The NAD and PSB stuff work together well.Now,if you can talk her into buying used,there are lots of options.I have no affiliation with DMC Electronics,just thought of them because I have browsed their website.Good luck in your search.

NAD C315BEE integrated $349
NAD C515BEE cd player $299
PSB Image B25 speakers $319 pair
Total(equipment) $967
I like Tpreaves' suggestion; I had not realized you could get the Image speakers for so low, otherwise I would have suggested the Alphas or Betas from PSB. Only other brand at the entry level I'd suggest would be Marantz, and you might want to get a receiver rather than an integrated, if your friend is in an area where a tuner would be useful.
listen to her system first before advising her to spend a penny. if she has a 'boyfriend', don't go there.