Isolation platforms: TW Raven, Shindo

Greetings. My next step seems to be to get better isolation. I had designed my rack to "float" wood platforms on Finite Elemente cerapucs within the structure, but I'm thinking it wasn't the best idea (these used for my Shindo pre-amp and amps). I use slate under the TW Raven AC currently.

Here's what I'm thinking:

- get a SRA platform or an active/passive vibration platform (and have a wood frame built to make it look less industrial)
- I can't fit SRAs in my cabinet (too high with the equipment on it) to replace the wood platforms (above), though that would be ideal for a consistent look
- replace the wood platforms and cerepucs with something like the HRS platforms? These seem really ideal - if they work.
- I've tried the cerapucs under the preamp directly (sounds fine, but not an improvement), so not going down that path.
- I've tried the cerapucs under the amps, sounded bad/harsh
- I recognize "shindo belongs on wood" theory, but I'm looking to see if anyone has ventured off the beaten path (I'm not arguing it doesn,t, or it shouldn't, just asking if anyone has tried something else and the feedback)

Thank you for your insight/thoughts. All the best!
Looking for help with isolation for my Coincident Statement Line Stage Power Supply, which I must place on a support on top of my carpet. Also need to isolate the line stage on my Target rack and my tube CD player.
Many thanks,
SYMPOSIUM Svelte or Ulra im using Ultra Stealth under my TW ACUSTIC AC1.Getting great stage,better bass,better imaging,and better staging width and depth.
I have been using Stillpoints under my Raven one, a clear improvement on the millenium feet the table was fitted with when I bought, I am aware that the table is fitted with OEM stillpoints now. Other solutions such as Black Ravioli and HRS were not as good.
Tomorrow, my first and possibly only set of Stillpoint Ultra SS arrive. Crazy expensive, but supposed to be crazy good. The Raven one is going to be the first recipent, I will report back. The tuntable sits on a wall shelf already.
Well I have tried out the Stillpoints ultra and I have to say, I am a little disappointed. Yes they do give a little more clarity, air and apparently, the feeling of an oppened soundstage, to vinyl, but only marginally better than the Stillpoints with risers.

Others have reported night and day transformation of the sound, I found it to be marginal and really needed careful listening to detect. I won't be buying any more Ultras