lessloss blackbody

I have a couple of lessloss power cords and they are pretty good, but what is this blackbody, has anyone tried it. I love tweaks but even to me this seems a little crazy, what are your thoughts
I treat anything that most paid reviewers write with the greatest skepticism, or for that matter even private reviews. This comes from experiential knowledge that system and system/room interactions have a profound effect on outcomes.

Interesting comment since reviewers are not paid for their reviews. I suspect you have taken skepticism to new heights.
Yes, it truly must be a miracle. People hear improvement yet there is no explanation for how or why! If that is not a miracle what is? For only $1000, that would seem to be a reasonable price for a true miracle! Buy two and twice the miracle! That's a miracle as well!

Imagine if someone bought 10 for a small room! Or is there a point of saturation? Is there a limit to the miracle?
Imagine if someone bought 10 for a small room! Or is there a point of saturation? Is there a limit to the miracle?
Mapman (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)
Surely, you've heard of the Cumulative Effect?
That would seem to be the case here.

Probably only if the Blackbodies are oriented in the same direction though I would think, otherwise the combined effect might be destructive?

Hard to say. Far be it for me to be able to explain how a miracle works.
Using only two lessloss blackbody's

1. At first don't try and hear what you've been missing. It's the opposite!

2. The silence between notes is what was missing.

3. Next I noticed improvement in decay. This is why I said "At first" in point 1 above

Subtile at first I thought but if you listen for an hour then remove them you will be upset!

I have two only two blackbody's; placement is very important in general and apparently you will get the best results if you place the Blackbody facing due North i.e pointing due North through the gear.

My physical constraints are such that I can not get it totally right without more!

Assuming you have your dream gear, room, power, cables, interconnects sorted out this is the final tweak; but after vibration isolation.

btw I was real happy with the lessloss DFPC Signature power cords. Got two then just got 2 more!

Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha -> Hydra 8=> 4 * lessloss DFPC Signature =>
Just threw out my dCS P8i, tried a Esoteric P03/D03 and settled for a radically modded OPPO by David Schulte (www.upgradecompany.com) -> BAT REX -> Balanced XLR Valhalla -> Plinius SA Ref -> Valhalla -> Dynaudio Evidence Masters.