As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?

My early efforts to improve my system usually resulted in making bad recordings sound worse. But at some point in my upgrade history, bad recordings started to sound better - in fact, better than I ever thought possible.

Anybody have a similar experience? Anybody have a theory as to why?
Depends on what you compare to.

They may be more disappointing and seemingly worse in comparison to good recordings now but should still sound better than they did originally.
As system quality improves, it becomes increasingly difficult to make lesser quality recordings sound agreeable. However, since this is all about MUSIC, the essence and spirit of the performance can be brought out regardless. Any system must have a SOLID foundation of the three pillars of audio: 1)power 2)acoustics 3)resonance control. Per a phone conversation on this particular subject with Albert Porter a few years ago, he told me that his system could successfully play any recording, but that any change could take him up to a month of tweaking to get it back on this track.
I don't know if they consistently sound worse or not, but as my system improved it became clearer why a certain recordings are "bad".
"As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?"

Absolutely NOT.

How can a system be viewed upon as 'improving' when it makes ones cd's sound worse? DOH.

(well, maybe if one has bad speakers to start with that need well recorded material to shine, and owners to meekly try and justify a mega buck price tag).
Absolutely, not...after chasing the audio gods for a few years, I settled on Conrad Johnson + Proac combo...haven't heard a bad recording since then