My ears of tin are over 50

I read on Jim Smith's site that if you’re past 50, you can no longer hear well enough to really care about your sound quality.

That explains my ears of tin over the past few years, I guess. It sounds kind of sad really if this is true.
Sheesh! The OPPOSITE of what I said.

I was trying to make the point that, just because you may be over 50, don't accept the notion that you are somehow disqualified to be able to hear and appreciate higher quality sound and music.

In Get Better Sound, I used a true account of an older man (probably 70) who had been in front of high spls for decades (he was a conductor of a state symphony orchestra). Even thought he obviously couldn't pass an audiologist's test with flying colors, he could stop a rehearsal and tell a musician that he or she was late entering in a section, or even sometimes call for a retuning.

As a free-lance recording engineer, I worked with this group weekly as the recordings were for broadcast on a NPR affiliate. So I saw him in action over and over.

Furthermore, I've recounted setting up and voicing systems for much younger audiophiles than myself. It's not that they couldn't hear. Most often it's just that they don't have a reliable reference for what to listen for.

It's not their fault. They may be basing their reference on systems they've heard that fall short of their true potential - such as at any show and in nearly every dealer showroom.

To punctuate this point, I must say that many of the most sophisticated and discerning listeners that I know are over 50.

Finally, this thread is evidence of what I call ACK on my website.
ACK-Audiophile Common Knowledge

I hope you don't mind Jim I copied this from your website to illustrate your point and people can see the context of the mistake,

(pay special attention to the part that says: myths!).

ACK responsible
In my experience, ACK may be responsible for doing more harm than good. Here – in no particular order – are some ACK favorites – myths that have developed into Audiophile Common Knowledge:

•Rooms with non-parallel walls sound better.
•The “rule of thirds” is a great set-up guide.
•Cathedral ceilings provide great sound.
•A wide sweet spot is best for great sound.
•Bass is non-directional, so exact woofer placement and orientation isn’t critical.
•Bass is non-directional, so only one sub-woofer is required.
•The best speaker drivers must be low-mass.
•A “fast” bass driver is superior to others.
•The best sounding systems are dead quiet.
•Granite makes a great isolation material.
•Cones & spikes provide isolation.
•Wide dispersion is a must for consumer audio loudspeakers.
•An equilateral triangle (speakers and listening seat) set-up yields great sound.
•The best bi-amplification is done with transistors on bass, tubes on top.
•Achieving the tightest bass should be your goal.
•Speaker set-up diagrams/guides from various manufacturers will provide the best sound.
•There are several known “good” listening room sizes/dimensions.
•Building a new listening room from a spread-sheet program will enhance your sound.
•If you’re past 50, you can no longer hear well enough to really care about your sound quality.
•And others, equally as revered, and equally as questionable (once you know the facts).
I am more worried about my metabolism slowing down by 20% at fifty, rather than a slight (hopefully)only hearing loss.Will be awful to look at a snicker bar and put on 5lbs around all my vital organs.
Its far worse if one is a woman, after they have gone past the safe child birth giving age, everything goes south.
Fact of life.
I am starting to think about Mapmans comments on Viagra stimulating blood flow and enhancing nerve endings. Does that mean if we find ourselves enjoying music for more than 4 hours we have to go to the emergency room?
I'm over 50 and I hear very well. I had my hearing tested by professionals, and it is better than what would be equivalent to 20_20 eyesight. Hearing tests are free.