You are a KEEPER or a SELLER?

Everyone tends to collect stuff. But some are better at shedding excess stuff than others. I find it hard to sell stuff nowadays.. I can remember stuff I DID own and sold, much to my later regret. And stuff I bought and for my life can't figure out what I was thinking when I bought THAT chunk of junk. So my question is;
Are you a KEEPER, or a SELLER? or a little of both?'Just how many extra bits and do-dads do we each have tucked away? Some have dozens of slightly used cartridges in a cigar box. Other had a garage filled with exotic electronics. Another piles of cables.. Some all of everything.Then those spare, remarkable folks who have one perfect system with NO junk in storage.
Anyway, i have extra stuff. i currently own FIVE turntables and tell myself constantly to sell at least two of them.. I have two amps, three preamps, seven Cd spinners... A closetshelf full of various interconnects (I just hate them getting tangled up)
Extra powerline conditioners, I have way too many..
Stuff i WISH I had: piles of NOS tubes.. A few more great carts.. just to sit there...
This is all BESIDES the music.
What've YOU got?
For the number of old relics I have around, would have to say a keeper. Would like to become more a seller and use the funds for better gear that I would really like to hold onto for the long term. Anyone like to buy some old recievers and tape decks cheap. :]
I tend to be a seller out of necessity to buy different gear, but I sometimes regret not keeping spare IC's (balanced & single ended) to experiment with as well as NOS tubes. Also would be have been nice to have kept my departed subwoofer ( REL Storm) and Dynaudio 1.3SE monitors for those times when I'm in between key system changes.
I tend to sell something if I upgrade the component , but I find myself buying better versions of cd's, for instance mofi and still keep the orignal cd as well so I end up with additional copy's
I'm both a keeper and a seller(occasional giver as well).I sell when things become cluttered or when I need $$$.

I tend to keep favorite speakers the longest.I also keep 2 channel analogue amps,preamps and tables and cables longer than digital and HT gear which becomes dated in a year or two.A/V receivers and pre-pros are the worst culprits!
I'm a seller.

Some of the stuff I've sold has proven to be a major mistake...especially tubes, e.g. matched *quad* NOS Siemens CCa in original boxes, matched quad of original Genelex Gold Monarch KT88. The list goes on...