You are a KEEPER or a SELLER?

Everyone tends to collect stuff. But some are better at shedding excess stuff than others. I find it hard to sell stuff nowadays.. I can remember stuff I DID own and sold, much to my later regret. And stuff I bought and for my life can't figure out what I was thinking when I bought THAT chunk of junk. So my question is;
Are you a KEEPER, or a SELLER? or a little of both?'Just how many extra bits and do-dads do we each have tucked away? Some have dozens of slightly used cartridges in a cigar box. Other had a garage filled with exotic electronics. Another piles of cables.. Some all of everything.Then those spare, remarkable folks who have one perfect system with NO junk in storage.
Anyway, i have extra stuff. i currently own FIVE turntables and tell myself constantly to sell at least two of them.. I have two amps, three preamps, seven Cd spinners... A closetshelf full of various interconnects (I just hate them getting tangled up)
Extra powerline conditioners, I have way too many..
Stuff i WISH I had: piles of NOS tubes.. A few more great carts.. just to sit there...
This is all BESIDES the music.
What've YOU got?
One thing about deciding to "clean house", even partially, is that hopefully you'll get so much cash, or in your PP account, that it will make you forget how much you liked the stuff (if you did). And if it's not even worth selling on fee-bay or CL, schlepping some boxes of stuff to Goodwill or Salvation Army can make your house feel "lighter".

But like Tvad, I have a few selling regrets: A mint condition Nikon from the early 80's, that I bought new in SF. A Fender-Rhodes electric piano that I drove to NYC to buy in the early 70's, then sold too cheap about 10 years ago. An old bmw. Things I had personal history with.

Audio gear, some things I'd still love to have, like a pair of Merlin TSM-M's in a cool red finish, a VTL pre-amp etc., but I got top $$ for them at the time.....

I don't know why, but I have about 10 pairs of speakers, all different shapes and sizes from Maggies to high quality monitors.
I have 4 good quality amplifiers both tube and solid state.
2 tube preamps and 1 solid state preamp.
3 CD players.
2 turntables.
And numerous vintage equipment including integrated amplifiers and receivers I have collected.
Like most of us I have a closet full of interconnects and speaker cables, spare tubes, cartridges and assorted parts.
I almost forgot I have a subwoofer too.
Oh yeah and 2 tuners.
Make that 11 pairs of speakers. I just remembered another one.
There may be something I'm forgetting.
I guess that would make me a KEEPER.
Not a keeper. The thought of perfectly good gear sitting in a closet unused gets to me after a month or two. The problem is there have been pieces I sold which I hadn't. I usually knew at the time it was a mistake.
Do keep a spare amp, set of speakers and source around just in case they are needed though.
I may consider myself a 'flipper'. i tend to buy one of whatever, then replace it with something else of the same type. I don't have the resources to keep a bunch of stuff around AND please the greedy little audio kid in me who wants new toys all the time. Things are pretty much in constant rotation.

No real regrets on selling stuff except the cool little Shindo Aurieges I sold last summer for vacation funds. Man I bought that for such a good price, too. Every component change I always wonder, "I wonder what the Shindo would sound like in here..." grrr...
I sell till there's something I want to keep. I had my Altis Ref dac for 12 years until selling it last year.