Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?

I have been experiencing ringing in my ears and think I may have it. Any recommendations?
"Quietus" is being touted as a fix for this problem.

www. quietrelief. com

I hope this is real...
My dr recommended this. Make sure you go to an ENT expert. S/he should do a full hearing work up and maybe even an MRI just to rule out something awful.
I was in an accident 43 years ago that left me with permanent severe tinnitus in my left ear. The first three years were the worst. i just could not stand it. Then gradually It did not get better, I just got over it. The noise is STILL there, and if I could wish it away, it would be banished... I can't, it won't, so I just go on. The curious thing is that I can still hear music well below the level of the tinnitus. Just not in hearing tests with static tones.. forget it!
So far, no real relief exists. Masking is just masking, drugs... You would have to be really desparate, for drugs, don't EVER try drugs prescribed for it.. they will ruin your life.
The BEST advice I can give: get over it. You are screwed. So what.