The Hub: Here's some GOOD NEWS from the audio biz

The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky. Such aphorisms were used during the Great Depression to either encourage the public or delude it, depending on your degree of cynicism.

Well, here's an aphorism for the new-millenial recession: So what if times are tough? We're gonna find a way to make it anyway!

The audio marketplace has changed dramatically in the past few decades. When times are tough, there is a tendency to focus on those changes we view as negative: stores closed, familiar names gone, a lack of interest from the younger generation.

But there have been at least as many changes in the audio marketplace that are not just positive, but nearly beyond belief to audiophiles and music-lovers of a certain age. Back in the early '70's, believe it or not, the most-reliable conduit of information on new and exciting audio gear was tiny black-and-white classified ads in the back of Audio magazine. Stereophile, The Absolute Sound? They were published sporadically, if at all.

If you wanted product info, it usually meant writing a letter. Getting an answer might take weeks, if the company were polite enough to respond; many were not. Curious about the experience of others with a product, a manufacturer's history or product resale value? Good luck: there were no Forums or Bluebook. Want a record they don't have at the local store? Get out the Schwann catalog, and wait weeks after the store orders it, if they're obliging; write a letter and wait even longer, if they're not.

Let's face it: we're spoiled. Today, in a matter of seconds, we can find out about a piece of gear, see it, learn where it's available, read reviews of it, maybe buy it. Music? Nearly every band or orchestra has a website with enough information to satisfy the most obsessive fan, videos of live performances, sources for discs or downloads. Reviews or criticism? How many music sites and blogs are there? A million, literally?

Really: spoiled. Music-lovers and audiophiles today have an embarrassment of riches. Be grateful for what we have available to us.

While we've had some rough times, the audio marketplace is adapting, correcting itself. News from most dealers and manufacturers indicates increasing levels of sales, at a more consistent level than the up-and-down spikes and troughs of the last few years. Many markets avoided the drastic upheavals of the US market, and whole new areas of the world are opening up as strong markets for quality audio gear.

If those aren't enough causes for celebration, there are probably more genuinely good-sounding moderately-priced audio products than at any time in history. Feel free to cheer. Really.

Audio writer/blogger Steve Guttenberg writes, "The most promising trend is the number of great sounding affordable products on the scene. My blog today covers under $1,000 speakers, for example. I think vinyl's continuing comeback is a good sign, and the remarkable growth in high-end headphones is impressive."

Retailers, distributors and manufacturers today must focus on differentiation, creating reasons for a customer to come to them, specifically, rather than another store or brand. Those who are doing that, are succeeding.

"We're up this year, and store traffic is steady," says Larry Marcus of Ann Arbor, Michigan's Paragon Sight and Sound. "People have learned that they can't decide on a product in 10 or 15 minutes. We have to make products available in the home without the customer getting killed if it doesn't work out."

Distributor Charlie Harrison of USA Tube Audio/Ayon Audio says, "We're on the upswing, we're adding new lines, we have absolutely no complaints."

US manufacturers are actively working to enter the new markets opening up around the world. When Grant Samuelson of Shunyata Research talks about being in the west and east, he's not talking about Colorado and Connecticut. He was stuck in Moscow--Russia, not Idaho-- for a week following the Icelandic eruption.

"Few have any idea what is really going on out there," says Grant. "I do, having been West, East and back again this summer. No one I talk to is throwing in the towel, and all remain positive in their outlook. It is tough out there, but good people and businesses remain proactive and look at improving the positives and letting go of what you cannot control."

Similarly, David Schultz of Transparent Cable is traveling to newly-opened markets, and finds them to be booming.

"I’m at a show in Vietnam right now," writes David. "A large distributor has sixty dealers attending the show. Next stop is Vientiane, Laos, for dealer training.

"The two channel and home theater business is flourishing in the following countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Hong Kong, Taiwan , South, Korea, South America (mainly Brazil).
India is slowly growing and will be a powerhouse in about three years.
Japan is still struggling, but doing well."

We have new markets, new resolve, and as Anssi Hyvonen of Finnish loudspeaker company Amphion emphatically points out, new opportunities:

"The highend industry has bitched and moaned about iPod and mp3s, but iPods could be the great Trojan horse, the way we get people excited about quality again," writes Anssi. "The hard-disc space is cheap, and transmission speeds such that we do not need compression anymore. What is there to complain about? Now we just need to create systems that people can relate to, play some real music and get them excited about quality. It took me one weekend to lure my 10, 12 and 14 years olds into better sound, once I found a correct approach."

In a future entry of The Hub, we'll explore what that "correct approach" might entail.

Yes, the audio industry is different from what it used to be. In many ways, it's better. While old-timers (present company included) obsess over the differences, newbies are discovering the joys of walking around with a thousand songs in their pockets, openly exploring streaming music and servers, even discovering vinyl.

Let's look at the incredible opportunities in the audio world --and it is truly a world, not merely a national, industry -- and learn, adapt, and grow. We went over the top with the doom and gloom; we admit it. Our bad.

So, we go forward with new rules, and a strong, new aphorism.

Here are the rules: no more whining, backbiting, dissing or dismissing. You've got something to say? Great: focus on the good stuff, the possibilities, the POTENTIAL. No mourning, no moaning. Seriously.

And here's the new aphorism:
SCREW the economy, we're gonna have fun!
Similarly, David Schultz of Transparent Cable is traveling to newly-opened markets, and finds them to be booming.
"I’m at a show in Vietnam right now," writes David. "A large distributor has sixty dealers attending the show. Next stop is Vientiane, Laos, for dealer training.

What exactly is "dealer training" for cables????
Youths today who attend live concerts do know what good sound is because large scale sound reinforcement systems have improved greatly in the last decade. They just need to be shown that they can enjoy good sound on an every day basis.

Often, all it takes is plugging a pair of Grado SR-60's into their ipod and putting the phones on their head. About half of the time I do that, the result is them purchasing a pair for themselves. Along with their new acquisition comes a realization that excellent sounding products do not have the name Sony or Bose printed on them.
That sexy preamp with the glowing reviews, those new Mark IIa, Signature- Revision 4- Bidux, Counter-Sibilant, Transfixitive, Adulant, Megatrend bi-ampable speakers have your name written all over them. Remember how, as recently as 12years ago, you would have gotten up for those babies in a nanosecond. They really have your attention but your wallet just isn't responding. What's a music lover to do?

Well, it may be time for you to ask your salesman about Audio Viagra.
When the moment is right but your interest just isn't what it used to be to stimulate the marketplace, then just one little pill can make all the difference. Pop one Audio Viagra and you will become sensitive once again to equipment ads and hyperbolic reviews. It'll be like the old days when you couldn't get enough. Talk about an equipment stand!!
Ballan, Map: Thanks. We were always going to get to the good stuff. We just shouldn't have presented everything sequentially, with the good news at the end.

'pines: Different models have different features and pluses, same as any other product. Can't sell the product effectively if you can't differentiate it.

Deci: Yup. I thank you, John Grado thanks you. ;->

Mac: I'm not sure you're getting into the spirit of this discussion....

Thanks to you all for taking the time to post.
Bill- In your "Just how bad is it?" thread you didn't see fit to admonish anyone for providing positive comments even though they did not seem to be getting into the spirit of the thread.

If you want to call this a discussion, you have to be open to disparate viewpoints. Otherwise it is just a cheering section.

Further, I fail to see how the winnowing of an over saturated manufacturing population hurts me as a consumer. If anything, I would expect such a Darwinian exercise to be strengthening to the marketplace. Wouldn't the survivors be the better investment for our audio dollars? Shouldn't we be glad to have the riskier investments culled from our option list?

My audio experience was damaged long ago when FM radio was corporatized, monopolized and homogenized. Like wise, the wide open Sutter's Mill signing frenzy that took place as every label went nuts signing any and every act to a recording contract in the hope of finding their own Beatles bonanza, helped all of us to great exposure and great variety we would otherwise never have known. Today the bean counters have restricted broad access to new music by controlling every aspect of content, distribution and appearance. The whole thing looks canned and packaged to me.

So it comes to this: At times a confluence of influences, circumstances and mass emotion conspire to create a moment, a historical blip, a heady time. We had ours in the 1960s. It spilled into the 70s, diluting as it ran. And we ran with it but the 1960s are gone. Only a few traces remain but the spirit is all but dead. Without the wholesome sense of sharing and goodwill that that time encouraged, we can't revisit parts of it piecemeal. Audio held that spirit longer than most things but it too has lost its verve, due in no small part to the counterproductive efforts of the audio industry. I won't miss them a bit.