Your feelings on vintage audio.

Harkening back to the days of my neighbor owned a console with a Scott fm tuner, Fisher amp and a TT. I loved playing with and listening to music through it.

And with the resurgence of interest in older equipment in the market, its' impression of quality sound reproduction and build, perhaps nostalgic feelings and wanting to dabble in tubes on my part, I've gone ahead and purchased a Scott 350B tuner.

I'm also looking at another 350 and Scott intergrated.
I know they'll need some work. But for the price it seems like a fun way to step into tubes, satisfy this urge and you gotta admit some of that gear is absolutely stunning looking!

So...What do you guys and gals think? Worth the admission price plus repairs? Waste of time and cash? Could do better DIY or newer used equipment?

Sound Quality? From reading sounds like I might be getting mids but poor highs and poor bass!
Build Quality?

How does CD sound through the gear? Are there difficulties using CD with this older gear?

Maybe some speaker recommendations. Sat/Sub (problems with subs?), monitor, full range or single driver? The integrateds I'm looking at run anywhere from 15 to 30 watts RMS.

Thought this might be a fun pastime; I look forward to your input.

What's vintage? It seems that anything over ten years old is now considered vintage by some. That said, vintage tube gear can sound great, and there is always the pride of ownership. But vintage solid-state........not so much.
Viridian, I have always been a tube guy until recently, and now I realize I am just a "if it really does it right, it really does it right" kind of guy. The items which turned me around were a 30yr old SS pre and headamp.
I got into Vintage about 6 years ago. At that time I wasn't sure if it was going to be a short term infatuation or long time love affair. So far, so good. I have not grown bored with it but I still have my modern system too.

I use modern speakers with my vintage components. I wanted to do vintage speakers with it and tried some AR's and Advents but preferred the newer stuff. Works great for me. It's good to stay hungry so if I ever get a chance to listen to something like the Altec Valencias or 19's, I'm hoping they will do it for me.

For the OP: Finding the right speaker will increase your enjoyment (8 ohms and decent efficiency helps). CD sounds fine. Have fun.
Regarding looks, sometimes Audio Classics mentioned above has wood cabinets. However, I have found the most beautiful vintage replication cabinets at this site:

I plan on getting one these for my McIntosh MR71 Tuner.