Have you ever got emotionally attached

To a piece of equipment. One that you dont want to part with. For me its an old pair of OHM I speakers. Bought in 82. Ive upgraded them and just like them. They have their own sonic signiture that Im used too. OK I'll admit Im biased. Three of the drivers are on top and pointed upwards. The sound does not directly come at me and Im used to it. I have 2 Watkin echo muffs behind them. Any way I see them as the part of the system that actually sings to me. I also tried a much touted newer speaker and sold it a year later. If anyone wants to give me a $5000+ speaker I'll try it but I might be sending it back too you. I also wished I hadnt sold my Tandberg 3018A preamp. I thought it looked pretty cool and sounded great. mike
materialism is alive and well. this is why the us is going to the dogs.

it is better not to get attached to stuff.

people first, and stuff somewhere of lesser importance.
I know you are not supposed to get emotionally attached to gear but I just can't help it.

I'm attached to my McCormack TLC-1 Deluxe and my KEF Q-90 speakers.
Mrtennis thank you! I have given away all my material possessions. I contacted my dad who I have not spoken to in 8 years. I have booked a one way flight to Nepal. I now understand why the Buddhist Monk ordered his hot dog "one with everything". I don't even care who wins at Wimbledon. Thanks, I'm finally free.
I hope all of us are emotionally attached to the gear we really like. I have several components that I have affection for. They are quality products with sophisticated attributes and have given me much pleasure over the years.

Mrtennis - Most sane people here will understand that emotional attachment to people and ideas is more important than attachment to inanimate things. That doesn't mean that affection for inanimate things is bad or ridiculous. The different attachments don't preclude each other.
My several pairs of Audient Technologies Audit and Tactic. I don't use them all, but I love 'em.