What makes the Bloom around instruments . . .

I recently tried a Pass XA30.5 amp in place of my Spectron Musician III Mk 2.

In my particular system, the Spectron outclassed the Pass in every category except one: that magical Bloom surrounding each instrument and vocal entity.

I really liked that Bloom and I would like to understand how and why it's there because it is something very special and I'd really like to have it again in addition to everything the Spectron brings.

So bloom is being described more or less a type of glowing/radiating, of the air/sound around each instrument, not a tonal color variation?
I have been listening to the exact same Spectron you have for well over a year now and can tell you,as a former tube amp owner (BAT and Cary) that regardless of what reviews might say,or shall we say,reputation beckons,this amp has little to share with valve topography.Yes,topography,as in the multi dimensional relief of any surface,in this case the music as read by this amp as opposed to a tube amp.I understand what you mean by tube bloom and you will hear this on the Spectron,or something close to it,when a specific recording exhibits a magical,spatial quality and you are hearing the room the music was recorded in as the music hangs in the air.It really is one of those very special tinkerbell moments when you hear that and that is why this amp is so bleeping cool! Providing all the other stars are aligned in your system the Spectron is the mirror image of the recording and it's brilliance and downfalls.Yet it does one thing very,very well-it makes everything sound good and the great,well magnificent.
You know i miss that tube glow like a warm cat on your lap and i may return to it for the occasional fling, but i believe the Spectron will be my Pegasus.
May i suggest you investigate the Remote Sense cable option the Spectron affords.This will take you further down the path of better sound and instrument isolation and added topography.This is a must hear.
I also think Chuck's speaker cables and such are more resolving than your anti cables. So maybe more details/resolution are heard in Chuck's system.

Hi Joe. This is certainly possible, though I don't know that it effects the likelihood of either scenario I described in my last post.

I suppose there is an argument to be made that Chuck's system, if it is more resolving, might reveal characteristics of the XA30.5 that are inaudible in my system. But I have a hard time believing that any additional resolution would reveal "bloom" as a consistent characteristic of the amp. I could be wrong about that. I also could be wrong about what Chuck has in mind when he uses the term "bloom." It seems there is some difference of opinion about what that term means.

My description of the XA30.5 is based on hearing it in two different systems (mine and a friend's). I have also heard other Pass amps from the XA.5 series in other settings, including some systems that are very revealing by any standard. It is on the basis of those experiences that I have characterized the XA30.5 as "neutral," rather than having "bloom." Of course, other people familiar with the XA30.5 may have different experiences and different opinions, which I am certainly open to hearing.

bloom: A quality of expansive richness and warmth, like the live body sound of a cello.

-From J. Gordon Holt's Stereophile audio glossary.

This is what I thought Chuck meant by "bloom." Maybe he can tell us.

My definition of 'bloom' is very close to Holt's/stereophile's listed in Bryon's post. I would describe it as a warm,euphonic sound quality that doesn't sacrifice or mask details. I like the earlier poster's analogy of a topograhic map of the music -very descriptive. If Chuck is looking for a warmer. more euphonic quality, then I would suggest trying a tube preamp (I don't see one on his system page so I'm assuning he's using the Wadia).
I may be totally wrong, but I thought you needed tubes somewhere in the signal path
(tubes in a cdp,preamp, amp,dac or even a line buffer) to introduce any 'bloom'. I was seeking this special quality in my system a few years ago and added a tubed preamp to replace a ss. It worked immediately. I replaced the stock tubes with NOS Mullards a year later which added a touch more magical 'bloom'. I'd even like a bit more if it comes in a powerful enough ss or digital amp to drive my inefficient speakers. So, based on your comments above, I might try out some other ss and digital amps.
I'm always learning new things from the guys and gals on Agon and just wanted to say I appreciate your knowledge and time. But I didn't want to hijack this thread. Chuck, did any of this and the above help you?