Has your HiFi changed your musical tastes

When I had lesser systems we listened to a lot of rock , but now Jazz is number one . Did the quality of your HiFi start you on a trend of music that highlights the systems qualities ?
One thing i can still enjoy a crummy recording of a great performance.
I especially love the old Jazz on Properbox sets. They are mostly 78 transcriptions put on Cd for an artists work, some monaural LPs.. usually from the 30's to the 50's, four discs 70+ minutes each. Fantastic value for the $16 bucks most of the sets cost.
I own over FORTY of the Properbox Jazz box set titles.
Most have decent sound, considering they come from 78s.

When a recording has a fabulous sound besides a good performance, that is nice. But a poor recording of a great performance does not bother me in the least, if that is all there is.
Furtwangler- old recordings/technology. But the magic's there, and more of it is heard with a quality setup.
Which is why I'm into the hardware.
In my first effort, I went with gobs of detail and resolution. To the exclusion by oversight, of the musical spirit itself. With that outfit, only a scarce few recordings sounded appealing, or engrossing.

I sold it all offf after stumbling onto this site years ago.

The next few rigs were aimed exactly the other way… towards euphonia and romantic & melodic. Screw resolution & details. I’d had enough!

Finally with my current rig, I have both ends of the wand. Sufficient resolution and detials. Ambient cues, and hall info…. Wen present. As well as, a very musical system.

Most all of my collection is listenable with my main system. Naturally those recordings that are outstanding do indeed sound as such. Those of lesser merit sound as indicated…. So the best are enabled to excell, those lesser students remain lesser, but allowed to perform too.

Having such a mix is in fact my aim. I refuse to own a rig that disallows poorer content and reduces my library to mere handfuls of listenable albums. I’m quite pleased with what I’M GETTING… CONSEQUENTLY I’LL KEEP DOING WHAT I’M DOING…

Sooooo in all, experiences with hardware synergy and a desire to adjust my outfit to a more benevolent one keeps me in the loop of musical enjoyment… and not scrambling only for those better recordings, I might or might not care for the genre anyhow.

A single caveat here…. Quite old, mono, or just flat out not good cuts are easier to take on a lesser revealing system. Duh! So I have that too at my disposal. The curious thing is I seem to be cured from the audio nervosa syndrome… as I listen immensely more to my lesser quality systems. Firing up my main one only a day or two out of the month, normally.

Investigating new genres, and their musical heroes therefore is now more stimulating than ever. I'm adding classical for the first time.... world and Latin... even some pop gets in the mix here and there. big bands. Big Band jazz. A variety of colorful newly found products contine to appeal now, where they had not previously.

Oddly enough, I'd never have figured I'd be running a fully file oriented playback system either.
No. The types of music that resonate with me, have not changed. I listen to music on a Logitech Boom while working, and enjoy doing so. When I play music on my stereo, I would describe it more as being engulfed by and feeling the music.....rather than listening to it. But the music remains the same.