Hearing loss Temporary or more permanent?

Hi there So I got my system reasonably dialed enough to impress most folks (Which isnt saying much) I happen to have my system with my computer in the center for use as a media server and have my speakers just about a meter in front of me while I am at the computer and about 3 Meters at my Listening seat and am curious. I have been playing my music louder and louder lately and am noticing a temporary hearing loss that comes right back (Very minimal but I can feel it in my ears) I have done this before but my system has never sounded THIS clean and am now holding back to make certain I preserve one my most important sense aside from the all important Spider Sense

At what point and for how long playing music at not exeptionally loud (Nothing compared to the horrible car sytems I endured being stuck in for long times as a teenager) Any way its a valid question as I really want to preserve my hearing and I really want to rock out. I can go get A DB Meter if that helps. Thanks a million Toby
The most important thing you can do at this point is find both a good ear physician and a good audiologist. In looking for both of the latter, it is important that you find people that know and appreciate your love of music. Find people that work with musicians, the classical kind if possible. Audiologist also need to be selected that can do a broad band hearing test, one that takes you out to 15K, not the 8K that most of them do. So for now, forget the 'gear', find out what the ears are doing. If you are over 65, Medicare entitles you to two ear cleanings done by a physician. You will be surprised the amount of wax and debris build up that can accumulate in your ears. I have been hearing impaired since birth, but that has not stopped me from enjoying music, and at the same time keeping peace with the neighbors. I am always surprised that audiophiles don't take care of their ears, only there gear. Would it be nice if the hi end reviewers in the audio press published their hearing curves, for in fact that is what they are using to review the equipment.
When I was a grad student decades ago, I worked at a research center aimed at the study of noise-induced hearing loss. Temporary threshold shift (TTS) was a hot topic. Rock concerts were in vogue, and lots of folks were concerned about whether they were injurious to hearing. The answer is they can be depending on where you are and for how long. If you measure carefully enough, you'll discover that even low levels of sound can cause TTS, but recovery is rapid. Buy a Radio Shack sound level meter. I'd use slow trajectory, because the auditory system integrates sound. At this point, I'm not sure what the value of a hearing test could be, but I would avoid prolonged exposure to what seem to you as loud music.

Classical musicians get permanent hearing damage also. Google may be of some help.[http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=gsis&xhr=t&q=hearing+damage+musicians&cp=15&pq=hearing%20damage%20in%20musicians&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0v&aqi=&aql=f&oq=hearing+damage++musicians&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=158f5021afbf0802&bs=1]