Are you too old to be an audiophile?

DISCLAIMER: This is not meant to be offensive in anyway, just something I've always been curious about and thought it would make for some interesting responses.

One of the things about audiophiles I've always wondered is how they reconcile their age, and the scientific fact that their hearing isn't what it used to be, with their belief they can can hear all the nuances of high end gear, and even the cables. As we age we lose our ability to hear mainly in the higher frequencies. You know that high pitched sound older CRT televisions and some recessed lighting can make? No? Neither do my parents.
At 81 I obviously can't hear the higher frequencies. The nice thing is that you (I) don't miss them. And thank heaven I can't hear most of them, as in the ones you cite. I can still detect cable differences (real ones) and can spot inverted and non-inverted polarity within seconds, so all is not lost :-)
The equipment is a menas to an end...that end being MUSIC. Music is all that matters.
Fortunately, the music lives in the midrange. Excellent midrange acuity extends until death, a throw back to the hunter/gatherer days. As far as the loss of high freqency acuity goes, it has been shown that older listeners accomodate to the diminished high freqencies as a reference.

Additionally, if you look at most music on a scope, you will see that there is very little of musical value in the top octave. Oh yes, there is "sheen" and "air" but not really tone. This is really a non-ussue.