AXPONA 2011 Atlanta reports/thoughts?

This was my first show......I really enjoyed checking out all the gear. I was really impressed with the sound in the Scaena room as well as the MBL room.
I know this has been probably been discussed before, but someone really needs to tell all these sponsors, distributors, and people to LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were times that I didn't even feel welcome in certain rooms. In this economy, if I want to listen to one of my tunes on a $60,000 pair of loudspeakers, you should damn well roll out the red carpet. I understand "screening" tracks so no one plays gangster rap or 2 Live Crew or something that's offensive, but don't give me the third degree about whether or not my song will make your speakers sound good. Thoughts?
I had a great time. I really like the Carnegie speakers although they weren't very attractive.
Audioguy has experienced the reason more hi end vendors are not more successful, pure and simple they do not 'listen' and are often dripping with arrogance in inter acting with the customer. Sad.
I have been to RMAF now since it began 6 or 7 yrs. ago. I can't say that I have ever been met with that attitude. Maybe it is the altitude that effects the attitude! However we have a dealer in the Denver/Boulder/Colo.Springs area that employees a few sales people that give you that "snobbish" approach to sales. I guess some audio retail people have too much money. The best sounding gear in those stores is the front door closing when I leave.
And where does a rep. get off telling a potential customer not to listen to his music? Is it implied that if I buy your speakers I have to listen to your music? I want to hear what I am familiar with, otherwise what's the point?