Designer Hall of Fame

There are many great designers out there, and especially in the lore from the golden age, but I'm not to familiar with them. I thought it might be interesting to discuss some of the great designers for engineering skill and knowledge, business integrity, and ultimatley quality of their products. My short list a "hall of fame" if you will of designers working today are:

Nelson Pass, Pass Labs
Charles Hansen, Ayre
Roger Modjeski, Music Reference
Ken Stevens, Convergent Audio Technolgy (CAT)
Kevin Hayes, VAC

and how could I leave Jeff Rowland off? Well it is a short list. Who would you nominate?
Peter Noerbeck (PBN Audio amps and preamps-Montana speakers), as well as Ron Hedrich at Marigo Audio (all types of cabling and vibration control devices).
What about Roy Kimber of Kimber Kable,Bill Low of Audioquest cables,Bjorn Erik Edvarsen of NAD electronics,Henry Kloss of KLH and Cambridge Soundworks(just to name a few),Matthew Polk of Polk Audio,Roy Allison of Allison Acoustics,Paul Klipsch of Klipsch,Amar Bose of Bose,Didn't a fellow named Marconni invent FM radio,Dr. Hsu of Hsu Research(subs),Joe D'Appolito(speaker design),John Curl(Parasound),Nelson Pass(amps),and the grand daddy's Thomas Edison,Ben Franklin.Wow, what a list and I still have not scratched the surface!
i'm surprised nobody mentioned stan klyne. perhaps i missed his name. while i'm at it, what about jim winey of magneplanar/magnepan fame and jason bloom of apogee fame and gayle sanders of martin logan ?

just thought of a few more: bruce moore of moore and franklin, bruce thigpen, designer of eminent technology and harold beveridge.

there are so many competent designers, a book is needed to present a biography of each of these creative designers.