What does it take to have a revealing system?

I have to heard it said that a system is not revealing enough for a certain component to really show off what it can sound like.

What does it take to have a revealing system?
Hearing the drama and nuance that live, acoustic, unamplified musical intruments create can help you identify the distortions that prevent your audio system from sounding like the real thing. Get up close and personal at your local piano bar, bistro or coffee house.
A system that is not revealing enough is not capable of showing off any component, nor the media being played on it. :)
I'm an advocate of using the "system foundation" approach to audio reproduction which IMO is the only sure method of obtaining optimal performance from audio equipment. Of course the more sophisticated the audio equipment, and the degree system foundation improvements are implemented, the more revealing the audio system.

In order of importance:

Symmetrical listening room positioning minimizing equipment between and around primary speakers, primary speakers away from room boundaries, proper toe-in, and equi-distance from listening position. With careful listening this will promote a more linear frequency response, coherence, and imaging.

Room acoustics to control sound reflections that "smear" audio diminishing dynamics, presence, and articulation.

Dedicated audio circuits with power conditioning to minimize electrical line noise that reduces dynamics and resolution.

Synergistic cabling (power, ic, speaker) to ensure design philosophy continuity throughout the electrical path.

Resonance control to isolate audio equipment electrical noise and vibration which smears the audio signal. This signficantly improves presence and articulation.

I'm convinced this is a sound approach because after attending a RMAF 2008 seminar and implementing most of these changes, my audio system sound has improved exponentially.