true confession

my brother was in town so he wanted to hear my new configuration. we had been out shooting that morning[ with ear protection of course] and very hot so i was not paying much attention. he listened for a few minutes and made some obligatory comments about how good it sounded then asked me a few probing questions about the image. i gave a very detailed explanation of what i thought i had achieved with my latest breakthrough mods and placement. after he headed back to kansas i walked thru the room and saw the mono light was on!!!! i guess when i handed him the remote one of us inadvertantly had hit the button. i called him and demanded he turn around and bactrack 50 miles to listen again. hahahah. anybody else got a story like this? i felt like a idiot....but he is used to humoring me. ha
I am not saying you did not notice it, but I would have known immediately that my system had changed and the sound was not acceptable. I know my system thoroughly. It would have only taken me fifteen to twenty seconds to spot that.

I hope you had some great demo material available when he got back!
Just this weekend I had a new friend over, (Liz's nephew actually) and he wanted me to demo my projector as its a dual use system. Anyway he was going on about the sound and the image size but it sounded off lto me but we were buzzed so no big deal. After he gushed and went home I saw my tube buffer came unplugged, it controls only mids and tweets on my biamped mains. So the center, surrounds, sub and woofers of mains were good but a large portion of sound was not there. It was cable DVR comedy on screen so it passed but was a bit odd. I wanted to have him come back and hear it aswell lol.
my only excuse was we had been shooting for an hour in 100 degree sun. i notice things immediatly usually but not with sunstroke and slightly ringing ears. hahah that's my story and i,m sticking to it!