Can I take American equipment to Europe?

Hello All,

I have a chance to move to Europe. Is it possible to take all my American gear (Martin Logan, Jeff Rowland, PS Audio, and others) to Europe and get some gizmo that will convert the electicity for me? Is there any loss of sonic quality?


Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
There is a sonic difference between different converters.
Just like different amps and power cords.
The Walmart converter might sound great, thats a broad stroke to say there's no difference in the sonic signature.
My wife (who is European) got one of those converters when she moved here so she could use her favorite hairdryer. The hairdryer fried on the first attempt, and the converter's fuse blew.

I would not hook any of my gear up to a cheapie unit.
Rbrowne is correct, unless your equipment can be easily converted to European voltage. When I was stationed in Europe we used step down transformers of various ratings. They are fairly large pieces depending on what you are running. The small voltage converters won't survive long.
If I was going for a long period I would sell or store my electronics and buy ones in Europe that could also be used on American current; such units are more common over there than here. The speakers will be fine.
There is a piece from Furman that converts both ways and stalilizes voltage too. Quite heavy and expensive but might be worth it. Saw it on ebay, I think it was $1000 for a demo unit, but can't be sure, it was a few moths ago.