The Audiophile's Wife

My wife has put up with my a-phile ways for years and has decided to write a blog about it. Thought you (or more likely your spouse) might get a kick out of it.

Even though she writes with a bit of an edge, she's really a good sport and very supportive of my "hobby".
What a great wife, Bill. I think that she understands audiophiles.

Do you think she will offer counseling for other audiophile wives? :)

What a sense of humor!
There are a couple of new posts on the blog. Grannyring, sounds like your wife even kept her sense of humor upon the arrival of the open baffle speakers - hope you like the sound of them too.
This blog gives me the feeling of a guy trying to write like a gal, sorry just the vibe I got. No offense, just my thought.
LOL - I can assure you she is 100% woman!


Yes, you correctly deduced the arrival of my (half-naked) open baffle speakers. They are open baffle subs that I run with my Soundlab M1 speakers. I love them!