New to the game. Need some beginners advice.

I have always been in to audio. I asked for a receiver and a pair of 10's for my 12th birthday. I have always been a receiver kind of guy. Now, I want to do it right.

Can someone point me to a resource that can list the different components of a typical audiophile's system and their functions? I am trying to get away from just a simple home theater receiver and get more out of the speakers I own (I have the full Jamo D8 line). I have the ability to purchase some used Adcom and NAD amps from a friend at a great price according to the bluebook, but I need some advice on starting out. Any help is appreciated.
This is dated but it's how I got started. There was a website with this information that was more interactive and had other info, but it's long gone.
It is just one resource at your disposal. I'd also recommend cruising the member's systems area here, and internet search.
Take your time.
Buy or find in your library a book called, "The Complete Guide to High End Audio" by Robert Harley. It's an excellent resource you'll want to have on your coffee table. That's where mine is. On-line articles and reviews are great but nothing replaces sitting down and studying a book like this to set you straight. It does explain all of the components in an audio system, how they work, how much you should spend, etc. It does not endorse any brands but it's more like a text book. Study one chapter at a time. Trust me on this.
i agree with pdn, that book was/is my bible. if youre lucky. you library might have a copy. the other thing that ive learned over the years is that sound, music, the feeling it brings you is and will always be a personal thing and the sensations that you will get out of it beats any review, forum, advise, blog, new tweak etc etc etc... go with your ears... some of us can literally "see" the band and the stage in front of us, while others dont "get" that. it took me a while to grasp the ins and outs of it, and im still learning... bottom line is this, its a hobby, an expensive one at times, but one that does bring a significant amount of pleasure despite the pains you will experience growing into it.

cheers and enjoy the music.

alex from montreal