Biggest impact on you?

Curious: I’ve gone through a lot of gear over the years. In reflecting upon this, a Conrad Johnson MV-45A1 power amplifier I bought back in 1983 had the biggest impact on me. This includes consideration of the many preamps, speakers, cables, CD players, and so on that I’ve owned through the years.

Has that piece been the best I’ve ever had or heard? Absolutely not. But, it was the first high end piece I’ve owned and it wowed me big time. Ran it with Vandersteens, CJ’s PV4 preamp, and a Sonograph TT – loved it!

So, what component (power, pre, speaker, TT, CD, etc.) has had the biggest impact on you?
Assume there can be more than one great moment?

These come to mind immediately:

Snell Type A in mid 1970s.
Counterpoint 9, Counterpoint 11, Counterpoint SA4, 1980s
Versa Dynamics turntable 1980s
Breuer Dynamic arm and Breuer Cartridge 1978
Audio Research SP11, 1985
Tube Research GT400
Sound-Lab Ultimates

Those years were good, married Patti in 1980 and our son was born in 1986. The economy was booming and my profession as a commercial-advertising photographer was in high demand.

Perhaps all of that added to my enjoyment of the music as much as the equipment. Great idea for a thread.
after owning lots of gear since 1975 i think that to enjoy a pr of magnepan mmgs as as I do for $599.00 in today's audio world is pretty amazing.