Biggest impact on you?

Curious: I’ve gone through a lot of gear over the years. In reflecting upon this, a Conrad Johnson MV-45A1 power amplifier I bought back in 1983 had the biggest impact on me. This includes consideration of the many preamps, speakers, cables, CD players, and so on that I’ve owned through the years.

Has that piece been the best I’ve ever had or heard? Absolutely not. But, it was the first high end piece I’ve owned and it wowed me big time. Ran it with Vandersteens, CJ’s PV4 preamp, and a Sonograph TT – loved it!

So, what component (power, pre, speaker, TT, CD, etc.) has had the biggest impact on you?
So difficult to pick one item, but I think it would be the Koetsu Rosewood Signature cartridge I had for 4 years. Really made vinyl come alive for me. Unfortunately, my current arm is a poor compliance match with Koetsu's, so I can't get another, without changing the arm, which I don't want to do

Hi Rbschauman,

If I may...chronologically:

Mid-late 70's: Hill Plasmatronics loudspeakers

Hiatus - LOL

2000's: BAT VK-75SE amp...Forsell Air Reference CD Transport with Audio Note 4.1X Balanced DAC...dedicated 20 amp circuits...AudioQuest Sky IC's...Studer A820 reel-to-reel recorder...Tape Project analog media...Dali MegaLine III loudspeakers.

Guess I kinda made up for that hiatus, hehe.

EPI 150
a 1975 Sony receiver, the component that really got me on the audiophile bus, believe it or not
Quad ESL 57
Linn LP-12
ARC Classic 30
Several impacts over the years but the biggest....

Amp: First time I heard an SET.
Preamp: Conrad Johnson ART 2.
Speaker: Apogee Duetta Sig.
Source: Long ago, when fm was FM, tie between the SAE Mark VI tuner then a Marantz 10b. I could hear the DJ turn the pages. Both had scopes that were mesmerizing.