Sometimes my system sounds great, sometimes awful

Does this happen to any of you? Sometimes I find that my system sounds great, but sometimes, with the same record, same everything, it sounds awful! It drives me nuts. Do we hear differently depending the time of day, our mood, heat, cold... other circumstances? Whenever I think I have to replace a component or trash a cable I tell myself to wait until the next day to overcome upgradetitis.
"Do we hear differently depending the time of day, our mood, heat, cold... other circumstances?"

You left out recent noise exposure, current condition of sinus's, current emotional bias (I just changed this thing so now I'm going to believe music sounds better or worse), social pressure, humidity, ego, and probably lots of other stuff I'm not considering.

On the bright side, your knowing about all this stuff ("tell myself to wait until the next day") can save you a boatload of cash over the long haul and keep you from stepping backwards now and then.
>>Sometimes my system sounds great, sometimes awful<<

Don't listen when it sounds awful.

Read a book or play Angry Birds or get drunk.

Maybe a nooner with the wife.

It seems that many of you agree that power conditioning is a good thing. What is a reasonable power conditioner solution that doesn't break the bank?
Better at night. Quieter and more constant power, the world around you is quieter, even your own mind may be less noisey, yielding better signal to noise ratio and bettter dynamics. Limited by paranoia about disturbing others.